Last night, I had the world's most perfect commute. The elevator arrived at 5:05 pm and it was empty (usually if I leave that close to 5 pm, I have to wait for two or three to go by before there's one more people can fit on) and it didn't stop on any other floors! I got to the subway platform and the train was sitting there, doors open. I got a seat and the doors closed and the train pulled out (so it wasn't, like, being held in the station, or if it was, I missed that part). Then the bus was at the stop when I came up out of the subway, and the lights changed in my favor quickly enough that I could get across Broadway to get on. Got a seat there, too. And then just cruised on home. Even with stopping in at the grocery store to pick up more of that bottled vanilla latte crap, I was home by ten after six! AMAZING.
I guess the universe was making up for the fact that my period finally arrived yesterday evening, 16 days late. Yay? Menopause can't come quickly enough for me.
Arrow: Code of Silence
This had some good bits in it, but for real and for true, Oliver needs to tell Felicity about the kid. I mean, I don't think he should have simply acquiesced to the mother's demand without arguing some more about being able to tell his fiancee about his secret kid, but even if he agreed to it, I think he could easily justify telling Felicity (even though she is pretty terrible about keeping secrets) without letting the mom know that he did, but ESPECIALLY once he became a mayoral candidate.
I mean, even running unopposed, did he think nobody would do any digging? And if THEA could find out who the woman was and why Moira paid her off, don't you think professional journalists or political operatives could ALSO find out, let alone evil motherfuckers like Damien Darhk? And that's not even counting on the fact that Malcolm Merlyn, who now has it in for Oliver, would turn around and betray him, YET AGAIN (though not, surprisingly, by revealing his secret identity). I mean, Oliver has no way of knowing Malcolm knows about William eta I'm reminded that Oliver does know Malcolm knows about William /eta, but he should be prepared for SOMEONE to find out, and more specifically, SOMEONE HE DOESN'T WANT TO KNOW. Because secret babies don't stay secret, Ollie! Have we learned NOTHING from thousands of years of narrative convention!? HAVE WE LIVED AND FOUGHT IN VAIN?
So I was basically screaming at the TV while Thea was giving Oliver the world's worst advice, not just for him as a political candidate (GET OUT IN FRONT OF THE SCANDAL GUYS) but as a human being and a vigilante with powerful enemies. ESPECIALLY COMING FROM THEA. WHO RAN OFF WITH MALCOLM BECAUSE SECRETS WERE KEPT FROM HER BY OLIVER.
I also didn't like that Felicity told her mother to trust the guy she knew was keeping a secret from her. Like, I get that people don't have to be party to all their SO's secrets etc., but I am so sick of superheroes (and their associates in this case) making feeble excuses to their loved ones to distance them when it never ever keeps them safe. This episode made me think it's Donna who ends up dead, probably caught in a crossfire somehow. A simple, "Damien Darhk is gunning for anyone with authority in this city and that paints a target on my back, so I don't think it's safe for you to hang around me right now" would have gone over miles better. And in fact, Lance does come clean, so he at least seems to have learned something from the fallout of all the lying; he should remember how he felt about being lied to by Laurel for his own protection. And Oliver should take a lesson from that, as well.
In other developments, I sure hope Palmer Tech offers that technology freely to the world once it works out to make Felicity able to walk again. I am just saying.
I didn't even watch SGA and I felt this was a total waste of Rachel Luttrell. I wanted to see her doing more stuff with that crazy nail gun! Did she even have any dialogue? What the hell?
And finally, next week, VIXEN! Yay!
Star Wars Rebels: Homecoming
This was a decent episode - I loved getting some Hera backstory and seeing Cham again, and Numa! plus some awesome Force usage by Kanan and Ezra - but I feel like it really needed to be a two parter. Cham got to eat his cake and have it too, and the learning and hugging happened really quickly. I mean, for Hera's sake, I'm glad it did, and I loved the moment she slipped into her old accent when talking to her father, because nothing brings back feeling like a teenager like talking to your parents as an adult.
But I feel like a two-parter here would have allowed the story to breathe a little (which, possibly, it couldn't sustain, plot-wise) and it would have allowed a little more of Kanan and Cham getting to know the in-laws, plus more of Numa (I kind of wanted Rex to be there - I can't remember, but he probably knew Boil and Waxer, so that could have been a resonant moment).
I also liked that Cham still has faith in the Jedi despite Imperial propaganda and the fact that Kanan and Ezra are half-trained and making it up on the fly. (No, seriously, though, that sequence with them Force-pulling each other through the closing blast doors was GREAT.) And I also love more info about Hera (so she picked up Chopper during the war? He wasn't in A New Dawn, the book where she and Kanan meet, so I wonder where he was, and if he was ever any less sociopathic; I never thought I'd say this, but maybe some Chopper backstory would be interesting) because she is my FAVE.
And then I watched the Rangers completely fuck up a game they could have won. Sigh. At least pitchers and catchers report today? A glimpse of sunlight in the future?
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