better put your kingdom up for sale

Feb 11, 2016 11:18

This morning, new boss2 was late because a train was being held at 34th St because of 'unsanitary conditions.'


If they really held up trains for that, THE SUBWAY WOULD NEVER RUN. We can only imagine what horror show was perpetrated on that number 2 train. (...pun not intended? I don't even know.)

In other news, I keep thinking it's Friday and then being disappointed that it's only Thursday. And I worked from home on Monday so it should feel like a short week!

Anyway, teevee:

Arrow: Sins of the Father
OMG NYSSA, ILU SO MUCH. I mean, I think the AV Club reviewer is right that the disbanding of the League isn't really earned because we have never known what they do/why they need to be stopped/why Ra's wanted Oliver/why Malcolm wants to be Ra's so bad/etc. I just imported my knowledge from other DCU properties to fill that in, but the show has never mentioned it at all, which makes this thing that CHANGES EVERYTHING! not really a thing at all, except for Nyssa, and I will reiterate, NYSSA IS SO GREAT GUYS. This is the daughter of the demon I'd like to see in other DCU properties.

I also loved how she traded on that unwanted marriage with Oliver. That was great.

I mean, why was this SO IMPORTANT that Malcolm would let Thea die over it? And also, why didn't anyone point out to Malcolm that if he let Thea die, Oliver would have no reason left for not killing him except to keep his own hands clean, and I think we all know Oliver would opt for killing Malcolm in that situation. (I mean, I think he should kill Malcolm, but I also think Bruce should let Jason kill the Joker, so I'm not one to go to for killing unrepentant and recidivist supervillain morality questions. Sometimes supervillains need killing. I am just saying. I get why they want to keep Barrowman around, but his not getting killed so often strains credulity.)

I also called Ollie chopping Malcolm's hand off in that fight, though I also wondered if it was a setup by Oliver and Malcolm, because Ollie won that way too easily, and this puts Malcolm in Darhk's camp. So will it be William (an unfortunate choice, given that the XF revival is yammering on about a kid named William too) in that grave? After they killed Akio in last season's flashbacks, I don't think being a kid is automatic plot armor on this show. Or it could be the babymama, I suppose. And maybe Malcolm is the "him" Felicity is referring to? It would make sense with Barry's presence and response, as well - he's there as a supportive friend who knew the kid and his mom existed, but he's not too torn up about it like he would have been for someone he had more contact with.

I liked the little we got of Felicity with her dad, but that seemed rather anticlimactic. I'm guessing he'll be back later in some more threatening capacity.

Star Wars Rebels
SPACE WHALES. SO COOL. I'm not sure the set up for this episode made much sense, but I don't care that much because HYPERSPACE JUMPING SPACE WHALES. I do like that one of Ezra's gifts is connecting with animals - we've seen it before, so it made sense here - and the HALO jump was pretty cool, too, so I'm not really going to nitpick.

I'm not really sure this actually counts as a spoiler, but fine: Apparently the season finale is titled "Twilight of the Apprentice." Ugh. I'm going to need my crying scarf for that. *puts hands over ears* LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU. AHSOKA'S NOT GOING TO DIE. la la la rain of blood and toads...

In other tv news, apparently, Jess is going to return on the Gilmore Girls revival, as is -ugh- Logan. I still like Jess best of Rory's terrible boyfriends - he had definitely done a lot of growing up by the time he showed up in s6 - but if they're not going to give me Paris/Rory, can't she have met someone new? Sigh. I'd much rather focus on Emily and Luke/Lorelai than Rory anyway.


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