bought a one-way ticket back to the life he once knew

Feb 04, 2016 11:20

Arrow: Unchained

I'm so glad they didn't kill Tatsu off. I was really afraid of that, after the unceremonious departure Amanda Waller got last week, and hallucination!Shado showing up this week to remind us she died for no good reason. (Tatsu, aka, Katana, is also in the Suicide Squad movie. Which, despite my love of Amanda Waller and enjoyment of Task Force X, I am probably not going to see unless word of mouth is really excellent because, ugh, Jared Leto.)

Also, wtf, hallucination!Shado? Oliver's not in love with Ukrainian island lady! I mean, she might be appreciating the attractiveness that is Ollie without the dread flashback wig, but I never got any romance vibes there at all. So I don't even know what that was supposed to be.

On the plus side, we got Roy parkouring it up and being lovely with Thea. I didn't really miss you, Roy, but it was nice to see you again. I knew it was you from the very first flip (even though I was not spoiled for the appearance.) I also liked that Curtis did pretty well in that fight against him. One step closer to Mr. Terrific!

While I'm really glad that Ollie didn't, like, sell his soul to save his sister *cough*, and I'm glad even Malcolm seems to understand that Thea's autonomy needs to be respected (at least at the moment; who knows what that wacky Malcolm will do from week to week?), the repetition of "my life, my choice" made me expect an unexpected pregnancy/abortion storyline. I am just saying! We'll see if Oliver can actually stick with it if Thea gets worse. I wonder if Thea killing Malcolm would be enough to cure her, since he's now "Ra's al Ghul" but then it'd also be Thea committing patricide so I'm pretty sure she shouldn't go there. Even though, within the confines of the show, I'm okay with Oliver killing Malcolm. (I mean, it's not quite the Joker, as Malcolm has been helpful on occasion, but yeah. Let Nyssa take over the League. I'd be so here for that.)

And as many people called it, Calculator is Felicity's dad. That was a fun showdown - I always love to see Felicity kicking ass from behind her monitors - and I can't wait to see where the show takes it. (I guess they didn't use Proxy as her codename because it would have given this 'twist' away last week? Aside from "Overwatch" also being the name of Guggenheim's novel? And apparently, I'm told, a military term that is used for someone in her position. I'll accept the latter - I'll pretend Lyla and Diggle came up with it - but the former is kind of annoying.)

Star Wars Rebels
Hondo was the best part of this episode! He's so hilariously great.

I also really liked the music while they were flying through that maelstrom - the whole presentation there had a serious BSG vibe to me. In a good way.

Otherwise, meh. Straight up prophecy blah blah is never going to thrill me, though I guess the fact that Zeb was all three figures in the prophecy at different points was kind of a twist. (It was no, "I flunked the written," though, is what I'm saying.) Also, I knew there had to be more people on the planet, because there's no way you're repopulating your species without a fertile female and that lady looked way past the fertile stage. I mean, aliens, so who am I to know from their biological imperatives, but I'm just saying.

I've really enjoyed specific episodes and moments this season, but overall, I feel the trailers did the show a disservice, because I just want to get to the fireworks factory Vader-Ahsoka confrontation, and that impatience probably makes me harder on the show that it really warrants.


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