and this moment keeps slipping away

Feb 03, 2016 12:00

The Flash
That was a much better episode for Barry than the past few have been. Oh Barry, douchebaggery does not suit you at all!

And another, more sympathetic, "Oh Barry" because Wells told you he was going to betray you! But then he told you he did betray you, so I guess you can forgive him. Especially since now you can use him against Zoom. I mean, Zoom let himself be injected with something Wells claimed was Speed Force, so Zoom clearly isn't expecting a betrayal. I mean, if they do go that route - have Wells play double agent, they'll have to have some way of saving Jesse (or of her saving herself, but this isn't Agent Carter, so who knows) or just flat-out killing Zoom so he can't kill her when Wells betrays him. And okay, that was a convoluted sentence.

I'm leaving the whole 'we all do crazy things to save the people we love' thing alone, because yes they do, so they'd be hypocrites to blame Wells, but also, I just...heroes are supposed to be better than that? Batman would find a way to save both. I am just saying.

I love Wells' crankiness though. He's just SO ANNOYED by Barry. It's great. I hope every time they call his world Earth-2 he's like, "This is Earth-2 to me."

I like Wally more now, but wow, Iris, what the hell? I mean, I'm glad you were recording that conversation, but what the hell? There was a lot of s2 Laurel in Iris tonight, and that's not a good thing.

No matter. Next week, we go to Earth-2! Woo!

Agent Carter
So Peggy's "dead" brother is Booster Gold*? I am guessing the SOE faked his death? Otherwise, he has a young son (or pregnant wife) at home who grows up to become Sharon's dad? Or there's another brother?

*Booster Gold's civilian name is Michael Jon Carter. Rip Hunter is his son(?? I think?? or maybe his dad?).

ANYWAY. It was nice to get some backstory for Peggy, and these flashbacks while not stellar, were 18000 times better than the flashbacks on Arrow have been the past two seasons, so I'll allow it. They were heavy-handed but thematically apt, and I like that even Peggy tried to fit into the boxes allowed to women by society before realizing that she wanted to be/do/have more. It doesn't quite match what I expected based on her telling Steve she knows what it's like to have every door closed in her face - from that I thought she'd tried repeatedly to do something more active and got turned down - but it's still true in other ways, so.

I liked that the flashbacks paralleled nicely, and also how Agnes Cully's backstory resonates with Jessica Jones re: "smile" and how she chose a path that was open to her using the weapons at her disposal at the time, and now that she's got an all powerful weapon, well, she's going to use it to get what she wants. Okay, so she's a killer and is probably threatening the existence of spacetime by screwing around with zero matter, but we can't all be heroes, right? (I'm being flip - I'm not excusing her bad choices at all, but I like seeing how she came to be a person who would make them.)

And Jarvis continues to be the absolute best. Jarvellous, if you will.

So Sousa was at Bastogne? Interesting. A Major Winters reference would not go amiss. (I still want a story where Steve meets Dick Winters. I am just saying.) Or maybe he was wounded there and treated by Eugene Roe? Hmm...

I went to bed instead of watching iZombie and I'll have to find an alternate means of catching B99, so that was it for Tuesday night TV.

Wednesday reading:

What I've just finished
City of Blades by Robert Jackson Bennett. ♥MULAGHESH♥ While it felt like way more than 5 years had passed since City of Stairs, I really enjoyed revisiting this world, which feels totally real and lived-in, and seeing how it had changed since the end of the last book. I also liked getting more backstory for Mulaghesh, and her meditations on soldier-as-servant (I think Steve Rogers would agree with her) as well as the complexity of the situation they all find themselves in. Plus, Sigrud! Though man, Signe dying was really hard to take, not just because she was young and brilliant, but because I felt for her father as well.

City of Stairs was one of the best books I read last year, if not the best (that might have to go to Gullstruck Island) and City of Blades is a worthy follow up.

The Duke of Snow and Apples by Elizabeth Vail. I'm not sure where I got this or why I wanted to read it, but it was on my iPad so here we are. It's kind of a genderflipped reimagining of a mix of Snow White and Cinderella, set in a secondary magical world Regency romance. So there's a lot going on, and I liked some of it, but good lord, this book should have been about half as long as it was. There was what felt to me like a ludicrous amount of repetition and wheel-spinning before things started actually happening.

Grayson #16, i.e., the musical issue from last week. ♥DICK♥ I'm not sure any musical guidance was provided, so I just tried to fit it all into the tune of "Goldfinger." though god help me if I can remember why he and Tiger are trying to take down Spyral. Did I even read #15? I can't remember. This is why I'm bad at serialized stories.

What I'm reading now
Blood, Bones, and Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef by Gabrielle Hamilton, which is beautifully written and compulsively readable. I'm enjoying it a lot.

What I'm reading next


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