I'll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in

Dec 04, 2015 17:25

Well, I'm glad this week is over! My board packets got done, but it was a near thing at points today - I had the usual screw-ups, but also a few brain farts that led to copying only one side of a 2-sided document and only figuring it out when I was collating, and also copying something in black and white that was meant to be in color. That I figured out after only a couple copies, though.

When I was done, it was 3 pm, so I said to new boss1, "I'm going to have lunch now!" and she was like, "Have it at home with a drink," and sent me home. So here I am. I picked up a burger and fries on the way in, so I am feeling well-fed and accomplished after a week of work that was about four times as busy as it usually is. (I honestly wouldn't mind if my job were busier more frequently, but it's the long lulls and brief frantic periods of activity that take their toll, because it's easy to get out of the habit of going full-bore all day. *hands*)

And now it's the weekend and I can maybe do some yuletiding and also some more candy-making and maybe make a run to the Container Store to get some fancy tins to give stuff away in. My exciting life!

I did order an ugly Christmas sweater from Kohl's last night, since my sister informed me we're doing that this year (my niece is super excited about it; I love that nerdy kid a lot). It's got Star Wars characters as gingerbread men on it, and I can only imagine it's even uglier in person than it looks online. *g*

Speaking of Star Wars, I know what I forgot to mention yesterday! Star Wars Rebels: The Future of the Force.

HOLY CRAP AHSOKA! Talk about awesome arcs for female characters! (which I was yesterday *g*) The white lightsabers! The bright light when she appears. The total schooling of the inquisitors! I mean, it's to be expected - she was at war for two years being trained by the two greatest generals in the damn Jedi order! She went toe to toe with Grievous and lived! There can't be many people who are currently her equal (aside from the obvious please don't let him kill her!) and it was nice to see the show acknowledge that.

This gif set encapsulates it nicely. And also this one, though neither includes her brilliant entrance (and I do mean "brilliant" literally - the sudden burst of white light that heralds her appearance is amazing!) for some reason.

My precious alien baby is all grown up! ♥♥♥

I guess the rest of it was okay? Inferior to the TCW arc she actually mentions (the one that starts with "Holocron Heist" - it introduces CAD BANE!) but still kind of fun, though seriously someone update Chopper's drivers or give him a new personality chip or something because wtf was that about blowing up the Inquisitor's ship with the baby in it?

So that happened. I imagine things will get more exciting in the mid-season finale.


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tv: star wars rebels, work, my life so hard

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