people writing songs that voices never shared

Nov 03, 2015 11:05

Supergirl: Stronger Together
Dialogue: still clunky. Fight scenes: should be better. but aside from that, I mostly enjoyed this. I like that they got Astra's identity out as a villain (OR IS SHE?) right away, that James Olsen is reinventing himself in National City but still has impostor syndrome, and that Alex Danvers rescued herself (though why a chlorine-eating bug shapeshifter would leave himself vulnerable like that makes no sense; otoh, I thought the effects on his mouth were the best ones in the episode).

I don't know much about Maxwell Lord except that Wonder Woman snaps his neck for JUSTICE and then Clark and Bruce shun her like assholes about it, but I'm guessing he's going to be the real ongoing antagonist for Kara, her version of Lex Luthor. (Especially since I don't think we'll get Checkmate if we already have the DEO. How many super secret govt agencies does one superhero show need?)

I'm definitely going to need an icon.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Twenty-Six
Aw, the dance to "Hot in Herre" and then bringing it back at the club! <3 That was so true to life, I thought. And I liked that Jane knows her life is being subsumed by Mateo and that she's not always thrilled with how that works, because that feels true, too. Oh Jane.

I wish Luisa would stop being a trainwreck and start getting some of the sympathy that Petra gets (and I do feel for Petra; one of the show's greatest tricks is having Petra do all sorts of awful things and yet you still feel bad for her!). But did anyone else think Heidi's dead body was going to fall out of the mountain while Michael and Jane were kissing?

Rogelio's explanation of Scientology was hilarious (and Alba's "Are they some sort of Protestant?" was SO PERFECTLY CATHOLIC I can't even. When are they going to get back to her green card application? I am much more interested in that than the love triangle.). This was not the greatest episode but it still had that characteristic JtV sweetness and shenanigans going on.


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tv: supergirl, tv: jane the virgin

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