and i still have my hands on the wheel

Oct 29, 2015 16:22

Work internet came back finally, so I was able to post recs:

unfitforsociety has been updated for October 2015 with 15 recs in 8 fandoms:

* 5 Avengers + 1 Spider-Man/Fantastic 4 crossover and 1 Avengers/Jurassic World crossover
* 2 Raven Cycle
* 1 Gotham Academy and 1 Batman (comics)
* 1 Check, Please!, 1 Gilmore Girls, and 1 Star Wars


I was fantasizing last night about going someplace warm for a week in late January/early February. I could probably manage it money-wise, but I'm not sure I'm up to the task of figuring it all out and planning it. But the idea of a week of warmth in the worst part of winter, especially after experiencing it this year with the cruise, has a powerful hold on my imagination and I want it desperately. (Mostly I want to avoid winter from January 2 until mid-March, but that is not feasible. Sigh.)

I guess I'll keep looking at package deals to St. Thomas and maybe eventually I'll do the thing. Who knows?


Let us not speak of last night's game. What an embarrassment.


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