watch out, here i come

Oct 27, 2015 15:48

I learned this morning that Alyssa is dressing up as a Hufflepuff for Halloween this year. It's fitting, as she is the most Hufflepuff person I have ever known. She's very excited.

She also dressed up as Supergirl once, but she wasn't watching the show when I texted her last night, which is a shame, because I think she'd love it. I loved it even though it definitely had clunky pilot-itis about bits of it.

Supergirl: Pilot
Melissa Benoist is completely adorable and convincing as Kara Danvers née Zor-El. I am totally onboard for sexy mentor Jimmy James Olsen, though I'm less sold on Winn Schott or whatever his name is. I don't know if he'll turn out to be the Toyman or Toyman Jr. (though I'm sad we're not getting Hiro Okamura; he built a giant SuperBat mecha spaceship!) or if he'll be like Tommy Merlyn and die at a climactic moment without becoming a villain, but having his dad be a bad guy might add something to the character, who right now seems like a generic Nice Guy (the reason Kara turns him down is because she's gay? Really? I wish the show hadn't had her be like, "I'm not gay!" so emphatically and instead had her say, "It's none of your business!" because it isn't.), but also because it would make sense that he had access to kevlar-like polymers to make superhero unis from if his dad was some sort of inventor who becomes Toyman.

If they had to have it (and I can understand why they would want to), I wish they'd reversed the discussion of "girl" because I cannot imagine Cat Grant allowing anyone to call her anything but a businesswoman - there is no such construction as businessgirl - but for Kara at 24, maybe she wouldn't be ready to be Superwoman. Otoh, Cat Grant could have just said, "Superwoman is too many syllables/letters for headlines. Supergirl rolls off the tongue/looks better in 72 pt type." Because yeah, I'm all on board for girls not being denigrated, and if an adult woman wants to call herself a girl, that's her lookout (I still do it with "fangirl"), but having it slapped on her without her choosing it is a little hinky. In the hands of defter writers it could be a running joke, maybe, but hopefully that'll be the last we hear of it.

Otherwise, I'm happy that there are so many women - her boss, her sister, her main antagonist (her mom's evil twin! ah, comics) - though it'd be nice if they added a WOC. I like that her relationship with her sister is complicated but felt real, and I loved that her parents are Supergirl and Superman (aka, Helen Slater and Dean Cain; Superfam related shows tend to do this, which I like). I thought the talking around Clark didn't really work so well and was heavy-handed, but hopefully now that the pilot is done, he won't get mentioned much. Though I wouldn't mind seeing Lois show up to have archrival banter with Cat Grant. [Still annoyed at the Batfamily embargo.]

But mostly I enjoyed it. I smiled, I laughed, I did a little fistpump when Kara pulled open her shirt to reveal the S, and I cried a little at the hologram of Alura. So I'll definitely be watching next week. Let it get settled in for a season, and then give me all the Arrow/Flash crossovers.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Twenty-Five

Also, I totally cried at the three generations of Villanueva women reading that baptism message. (Though tbh, never in my long Catholic years have I seen a christening arranged less than three months after the baby's born if the baby is healthy - usually it's about six!)

I would like Luisa to be out of danger, but I'm afraid to admit I laughed a lot at "I'll have sex with your wife!"

I don't even know about Petra, but that fantasy about Thanksgiving was hilarious. As was teenage!Mateo's "I'm going to Vladivostok!" Oh, this show!

Ugh, work has interrupted about a million times and I'm on my second iced latte because I slept poorly last night but tonight is the World Series! The Mets are in the World Series!

...I keep saying it but it still doesn't seem real. Let's go Mets!


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