then they decided they would try to make it on their own

Oct 21, 2015 10:28

Holy crap, you guys, the METS. They scored the winning run last night via strikeout. I don't think I can explain just how weird that is, but it is super, super weird. Jayson Stark at ESPN explains it better: It was only the second time in 111 years of postseason history that any sort of run had scored on a strikeout -- and the first time an actual winning run had scored on a whiff.

(I realize that if you care about baseball and aren't already rooting for the Mets or one of the AL clubs, you're probably rooting for the Cubs - I would be if the Mets had lost to the Dodgers - but just in case you want to jump on the Amazin' bandwagon, here are Ten things you need to know about the Mets to join in the conversation - obviously written before last night's game but still relevant!)

They could win tonight and be in the World Series for the first time since 2000! It would be a sweep, which is totally unexpected! I would be thrilled, because it would mean some days free of baseball to catch up on my tv watching, and also, they have four chances to win one game and I'd prefer they do it quickly rather than let the Cubs back in it for a historic comeback.

Speaking of which, in other news, today is Back to the Future II day. After today, the future of BttF will all be in the past....I feel really old.

In other, other news, I did end up buying a ticket to The Force Awakens yesterday, but not for Thursday or Friday night. I went for Saturday at 12:30 at the place with the reserved seats and recliners. I thought about IMAX but Lincoln Square is always a zoo and I'm getting too old for that.

Lastly, it's Wednesday, which means books!

What I've just finished
Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie. I really enjoyed how she tied it all together and with a much smaller focus than I expected. I think I don't love these books the way a lot of you do because I don't care that much about Seivarden, but I LOVED Breq and Tisarwat freeing the ships from outside control and letting them make their choices, and then Breq - as a hail Mary - claiming Significance for them with the Presger. I hope they do end up the Republic of a Thousand Eggs. I would probably really enjoy a West Wing-like novel set in the early days of such a republic. I am just saying.

Gotham Academy #11. ♥MAPS♥ Ahahahaha Tim meeting a tiny Bat fangirl just like he used to be. And that felt like Tim - slightly condescending but good at heart. And man, if canon gives me Maps in with the Robins, I will laugh and do toddler fists of glee.

Batman and Robin Eternal #3. This was full of unnecessary exposition - Tim doing a lot of "as you know" dialogue to Jason (I'm pretty sure Jason knows how the Bat computer works, Tim! I mean, maybe not the current iteration of it, but in general) and also Jason being weirdly horndoggy, which is I guess the new 52 characterization of him, but it's the one I like least. Also, also, his helmet now has a faceplate like Iron Man's? Ugh. Just get rid of the damn thing and wear a red hoodie and a red domino! I want to see your pretty face, Jay! Um. I thought the boys were super cavalier about letting three relative unknowns into the Batcave. I enjoyed Cass beating Jason's ass though. He's good but he's not at her level, or he shouldn't be anyway. None of them should be. She beat Lady Shiva! Come on!

I did like Dick and Jason's interaction ("I hope you packed a tux...of course you did, sexy spy man" - okay that's quoted from memory but it's basically what he said!), and man, this book is about giving me all sorts of interactions I wanted in skewed ways - Jason hitting on Helena over comms was not exactly the kind of interaction I've been hoping for for them. (I would have liked for her to help him deal with ihs anger issues pre-reboot, as she is the other Batfamily member not necessarily averse to killing people.) Not that he wouldn't dig her, but ugh. Frat bro Jason is just weirdly off to me.

Meanwhile bearded amnesiac hot dad Bruce is walking into his very own kitchen nightmare. I bet he takes out the whole room and is then like, 'huh, I must really work out.'

Anyway, I'm happy to see the kids all working together.

What I'm reading now
I started The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, which is a post-apocalyptic YA dystopia that seems interesting, but then Aftermath: Star Wars: The Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens or whatever that ridiculous title is (hereinafter referred to as "Aftermath") came fro the library, so I started that. Wedge! And a bunch of new characters! Mostly I'm here for what I understand is a digression into the black market in Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader memorabilia. Which I guess is how Finn ends up with Anakin's original lightsaber. (speaking of Anakin, I'm finding some of the responses to Kylo Ren's "I'm going to finish what you started" hilarious. Because in those last moments, Anakin would be like, "No you moron! I died to stop it!" I wonder if the big twist will be Luke telling him that Vader turned good at the end [or at least turned on the Emperor] and Kylo Ren being like "I don't believe you! I'll never join you!" and getting his hand cut off. If he hasn't already cut it off himself in emulation of Anakin.) Anyway! I hope Hondo Ohnaka is still kicking around and telling hilarious stories about the time he had two Jedi and a Sith in captivity. He's supposed to show up on Rebels, anyway, but who knows how long Weequay live?

What I'm reading next
As usual, I don't know!


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