no tears over spilt milk

May 07, 2015 11:18

=JASON!!!! I can't tell if I was supposed to find that as hilarious as I did. Probably not, because most people don't love Jason Todd the way I do. Sigh. Colton Haynes looks way more like a real person with stubble though. I like that he gives Thea the gear back so she can be SPEEDY and then maybe RED ARROW.

=KATANA!!!! Tatsu and Maseo broke my heart in this episode. It still wasn't worth the season of terrible flashbacks, but they certainly paid off in that fight. That was genuinely moving.

=Of course Ollie was faking all along (maybe promos from The Flash shouldn't reveal Arrow spoilers? I mean, the CW is as notorious as NBC for terrible/revealing promos, but come on!), and hopefully he's roped Nyssa into his conspiracy. I can't tell if Malcolm actually betrayed him or if that was the plan, because you have to account for Malcolm's dirtbagginess somehow. Of course they're just being sedated in that cell, not killed. Tatsu was removed so she could help them escape, I guess. I hope she sticks around next season.

=I enjoyed the team fighting assassins, and the moment where Felicity thought she took a guy out with her tablet only to find that he'd been shot. "Oh, that makes more sense." Hee! The canary cry looks ridiculous though. I am all for making things more comic-booky, but that just doesn't work.

=Diggle is rightfully angry with Oliver, but man, seeing them fight made my heart hurt.

=Is it me or has the pacing been even weirder in these episodes? I mean, the whole season's been off, pacing-wise, but I feel like there was a way to make all of this work, but it's either been too stretched out or too sped up, never at the right speed to wring out maximum suspense and pathos.

=At least things seem like they could be interesting in s4? Ollie and Diggle are grudging allies, Thea is Speedy, maybe Tatsu and Nyssa join the team (though I wouldn't be surprised if Nyssa stays in Nanda Parbat once Ra's is dead - I mean, they are killing Ra's right?), and Lyla comes back and it's Team Awesome Ladies and Grumpy Green Arrow? I would dig that.


In other TV news, iZombie got renewed! And Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries is being made into a movie! (thanks to vonniek and
giandujakiss respectively for the links). I think s3 of Miss Fisher starts this week in Australia, so hopefully we won't have to wait too long for it to appear on Netflix.


In other news, I don't know if you recall my epic hunt for a new bag, but at the time I posted, I thought it was over and the LeSportSac everyday bag in charisma had won out. And I used it and I liked it and it fit all my stuff. But I still wanted something I loved. And then one day I got one of those "You can get 15% off + free shipping on your next order! If you liked W you might like X,Y, and Z!" emails and it contained the Michael Kors Bedford Zip Top Pocket Tote. I hadn't seen that one in my wanderings, so I clicked and I saw that it came in watermelon, and I ordered it. I don't know why - pink is not usually my thing, especially not such a strong pink (it's a nice coral), but it came and, Reader, I loved it. I folded up the other bag and transferred all my stuff, and I've been using it ever since.

I even attempted to buy a raincoat that would complement it, but when it arrived it wasn't a much lighter shade of the same color, it was in fact THE SAME COLOR and therefore much too matchy-matchy to wear, so I sent it back and got the same coat in aqua instead, which is nice and spring-like.

but the point is, I really love this bag (now that it's on sale again, I kind of want to buy it in light blue, too), so my story has a happy ending.


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tv: arrow, the bag saga, tv: miss fisher's murder mysteries, tv: izombie, shopping

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