drowning me in your promises, better left unsaid

May 06, 2015 14:53

The Flash
OH MY GRODD! I totally enjoyed that, even if some of it didn't really work, and the Wells/Eddie bits were basically a holding pattern. Iris got to be righteously angry that everyone in her life is a lying lieface who lies, and I wanted more of her making Barry and Joe grovel and apologize (really, Barry? Iris maybe having feelings for you and keeping it a secret is IN NO WAY comparable to what you did. Iris's feelings are her own and she gets to act on them, or not, AS SHE SEES FIT. Also, you only know that because of a timeline you erased! So stfu and apologize like a grown up!), but I can understand why actually saving Joe would take precedence (though it didn't look like much of anything was going on to find/save Eddie).

Speaking of Eddie and Wells, things I don't want to happen: Eddie dying or going evil because Iris marries Barry. Things I would be interested in: Eobard/Wells jumping into Eddie's body (he's his own grandpa!). Things I think would be really interested in: Barry resets the timeline to save his mother, but his father somehow dies instead OR Thawne takes over his father and Wells survives intact. And then Thawne!Henry makes Barry evil!Flash. Or something. I dunno, I'm just spitballing here.

Plus, Eiling came back, mind-controlled by Grodd! And he didn't die and isn't locked up! When you have Clancy Brown on your show, your main endeavor should be to have more Clancy Brown on your show. I am just saying. I liked the shoutout to ARGUS and Lyla, though I'm not sure how the Arrow season ending business is going to work with the Flash season ending business, since Ollie is on Barry's team in next week's preview. Way to lessen the suspense, guys!

Regardless, my main complaint about the show has begun to be repaired, and hopefully they won't screw it up any more!

PLEASE DON'T LET RAVI BE A ZOMBIE! While I am still totally shipping him with Liv, I wouldn't mind seeing him with Peyton, though for real, he's already living with Liv's ex - dating her roommate is a little weird. Like, Ravi, what you really want is Liv! You can admit it! Ahem.

Anyway, the plot thickens! Major has totally transcended his role as the Duncan - I am actually interested and invested in his response to his life spiralling out of control. I wish Liv had told him the truth, but I suppose I can accept that she hasn't yet, so he can find out in the most painful way possible.

The LT! He needs to get his ass down to the morgue and talk to Liv, maybe team up against Blaine for real.

Oh, Lowell! He's so pretty! I don't want him to be in cahoots with Blaine! He could just be purchasing gourmet brains instead of ethically sourcing them, as he'd said. He doesn't have to actually be involved in the operation, though if he's getting visions, he must know the people he's eating aren't willing donors. IDK IDK.

Chief was nearly unrecognizable in his role as a shock jock, and ugh. I could have done without that character completely.

I am so interested in seeing where this all goes.


What I've just finished
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver, which was interesting - Kingsolver is still an excellent writer, even when she's lecturing, and I knew what I was signing up for when I started the book, but I so could have done without the husband's screeds interspersed with her much more enjoyable stories of farm life. Also, the daughter should have just stuck with recipes. She wasn't terrible, but she came off like a callow 19yo in her essays, which is probably what she was at the time. *hands*

What I'm reading now
Heirs of Grace by Tim Pratt. A couple of you recommended it and I'm enjoying it so far. Bekah, an artist from Chicago, discovers she's inherited a house in rural North Carolina. The house is more than it seems. I like how sensible and genre-savvy Bekah, and her love interest Trey, are.

What I'm reading next
I'll let you know when I do!


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people have commented there.

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, books, tv: izombie

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