you and i were so full of beans and promise

Apr 27, 2015 13:32

Brooklyn Nine Nine
Jake's response to multiple injuries was hilarious and Terry was great as always, but there was way too much Jake in this episode, especially when the Rosa-Holt and Amy-Gina storylines were so much funnier and more rewarding. *hands* Just give Andre Braugher all the awards.

The Good Wife
I've been a strong proponent of this show since it began, but man, this season has squandered so much goodwill. We don't even get a final scene between Alicia and Kalinda! I loved their relationship in the first three seasons, and I'm so sad that they completely gutted it over the last three seasons. Whatever backstage issues there are/were, that's a completely stupid way to handle the exit of a character who was so important to the show early on. And I get why she's leaving - the show hasn't had much interesting to give her since back in the first couple of seasons, and even this Lemond Bishop storyline was weak tea compared to what they could have done with it, but man. I am so sad she's leaving, but I'm also like, good for Archie Panjabi, since this show can no longer be bothered to write well for her.

As for Alicia - since I never understood why she was running, and they've just yanked the SA job away from her, I don't understand why we had to go through the whole election storyline. It was basically for nothing. I also don't believe Diane would choose Oliver Platt over Alicia. I hate that they've broken up Cary and Alicia's friendship - I just wanted Florrick/Agos to be scrappy awesome underdogs this season and we got none of that. It's basically just Lockhart/Gardner with Cary replacing Will.

I guess Alicia goes to Louis Canning for that job he offered her so long ago? Michael J Fox is in the preview for next week anyway. That at least might be interesting, and also get this show back to what it does best - wacky lawyer shenanigans and sly commentary on modern life.


A couple of links:

The Grantland Q&A with Robert Downey Jr. which is... not so much informative as it is illustrative of RDJ's own brand of celebrity, I guess.

The release date of The Raven King, fourth and final book of The Raven Cycle, has been pushed back to February 2016. Sigh. Thanks to
umadoshi for the link, since I've been avoiding tumblr lately so as not to get spoiled for AoU. (My queue is running and I checked out the NY Rangers tag after they won Friday, but that's it over the past few days.)


Lastly, today's poem:

Slow Leak
by Ellen Doré Watson

I don't know how to wish you well.
Your hair is out of control, you are downgraded and strange.
You used to be the man who whopped open his chest,
wandered on a happy shoestring, made a nearly
perfect girl. Times we were electric.
Our talks teased out newness, mixed surprising
pigment. Our battles were not over ground
that mattered, so we walked away from them
with invisible limps, beautiful sticks
with no blood. Thinking ourselves
a perfect fit, we began to forget each other.
The way the roots of a perfect lawn watered too much
get lazy. You thought you should not
have to ask. I thought my private fizzings
and stirrings weightless, but you got sapped.
Your secret began as a scar and turned
to a decision flavored with payback.
The size of my thirst, your silence!
Between us now is the continent we didn't
finish, and one person's regret.
Because you have none, this is what I will never
tell you: I took too many days off
from loving you. And: I thought we could both
get larger. And: Neither of us was the right one
to unlock the other's body. My iron lung
of a father has become soft tissue,
joshing and washing the woman not quite still
my mother-a long tack in a small, hand-made boat.
You and I were so full of beans and promise-
I'm ashamed we failed at forever.


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books: raven cycle, national poetry month 2015, poetry, tv: brooklyn nine-nine, avengers assemble, tv: the good wife

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