the world may be tiny but the heart's enormous

Apr 19, 2015 11:30

Yesterday I meant to write and to watch Daredevil and I did neither of those things. This whole not being able to sleep thing is such bullshit, especially on the weekend. If I can't sleep until 4 am, I should get to roll over at 7:30 and sleep for three more hours, not be wide awake and wired.

I'm still trying to forget that terrible, terrible game last night. Ugh. I've been a Rangers fan for 35 years and I feel like it's just been a constant litany of "clear your own zone, dumbass" and "shoot the puck, you fuckers" the whole time. Always with the extra, fancy pass. It makes me crazy.

Don't become a sports fan, kids, it will only break your heart.

At least there was more exciting Star Wars stuff yesterday! Well, maybe not if you haven't watched The Clone Wars or Rebels, but trust me, it was exciting!

REX LIVES! The two things I really wanted to know after TCW ended were 1. what happened to Ahsoka? and 2. what happened to Rex? (Okay, really it's three things, because I also really wanted to know what happened to Ventress, but there's going to be a book about that.) And now we'll know part of it. I'm already bracing for the moment when Vader kills Ahsoka, probably just after she figures out who he is, and I really, really don't want that to happen! Please don't break my heart like that! Please let Ahsoka live! (I still want the story where she trains/bodyguards Leia. Someone needs to write that for me.)

Also, Hondo Ohnaka shows up! I know that the new show can't rely on the TCW characters, but it's only been 15 years, so a lot of them should still be kicking around, and it's nice to see them. Plus, more inquisitors. (Is that lady-looking one Barriss? How awful would that be?) Also, is that actually James Earl Jones doing Vader? It sounds like him, but I don't know. But that would be AMAZING. So yeah, that looks all kinds of awesome.

And I can't get enough of the Avengers cast - whatever I end up feeling about the actual movie, at least we'll always have those dorks being adorable, especially the Chrisses Hemsworth and Evans, who make my heart happy whenever I see them being dorks together.


Today's poem:

Fairy Tales
by Shu Ting

You believed in your own story,
then climbed inside it-
a turquoise flower.
You gazed past ailing trees,
past crumbling walls and rusty railings.
Your least gesture beckoned a constellation
of wild vetch, grasshoppers, and stars
to sweep you into immaculate distances.

The heart may be tiny
but the world's enormous.

And the people in turn believe-
in pine trees after rain,
ten thousand tiny suns, a mulberry branch
bent over water like a fishing-rod,
a cloud tangled in the tail of a kite.
Shaking off dust, in silver voices
ten thousand memories sing from your dream.

The world may be tiny
but the heart's enormous.


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a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, sports, national poetry month 2015, poetry, tv: star wars rebels, you should totally write that, my life so hard

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