if only because touch was the last sensation

Apr 18, 2015 11:30

It's that time again! The AO3 hit-and-kudos count meme!

Previous years: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.

Top 10 stories by hit count on AO3 (as of 4/18/15):

Talking Trash and Wasting Time, Avengers, Hits: 31032
(Clint/Darcy, the one with Thursday night drunk)

Even a Miracle Needs a Hand, Avengers, Hits: 30877
(Clint/Darcy fake Christmas boyfriend)

7A WF 83429, Avengers, Hits: 25763
(Steve/Darcy sex pollen)

64 Colors, Avengers, Hits: 25215
(gen, the one with the Avengers coloring parties)

The Spin I'm In, Avengers, Hits: 24881
(Steve/Bucky 5 things)

you and your high top sneakers and your sailor tattoos, Avengers, Hits: 24254
(Steve/Darcy, the one where Darcy punches Captain America's v-card.)

soar, wheel, gulp, and dive, Avengers, Hits: 22239
(Steve/Bucky, 2 first kisses)

last night, while I slept, they rearranged the streets, Avengers, Hits: 20425
(Steve/Bucky, everybody thinks they're a couple)

Greetings to the New Brunette, Avengers, Hits: 19265
(Steve/Bucky, kidfic)

Our history is just in our blood (history, like love, is never enough), Avengers, Hits: 19127
(Steve/Bucky, the one where Bucky's an amnesiac barista, also a remix)

Obviously the big change is the explosion of Steve/Bucky as a pairing after CATWS came out last April. Only one of these stories was posted after that (Greetings to the New Brunette), so my own difficulties in writing meant I didn't really ride that wave, but as they say, a rising tide lifts all boats, and my older Steve/Bucky stories certainly benefited. The only Steve/Bucky story on the list last year was Welcome to Wherever You Are, which is number 11 this time. In fact, it's not until #17 in hits that you return to non-Steve/Bucky stories (Six Meetings Before Lunch, the Steve and Thor bro fic).

And here are my Top 10 stories by kudos on AO3:

The Spin I'm In, Avengers, Kudos: 2006
(Steve/Bucky 5 things)

last night, while I slept, they rearranged the streets, Avengers, Kudos: 1868
(Steve/Bucky, everyone thinks they're a couple)

64 Colors, Avengers, Kudos: 1747
(gen, the one with the Avengers coloring parties)

Even a Miracle Needs a Hand, Avengers, Kudos: 1691
(Clint/Darcy fake Christmas boyfriend)

Greetings to the New Brunette, Avengers, Kudos: 1651
(Steve/Bucky, kidfic)

Our history is just in our blood (history, like love, is never enough), Avengers, Kudos: 1461
(Steve/Bucky, the one where Bucky's an amnesiac barista, also a remix)

Talking Trash and Wasting Time, Avengers, Kudos: 1395
(Clint/Darcy, the one with Thursday night drunk)

If it's not love, then it's the bomb, Avengers, Kudos: 1335
(Steve/Bucky, hurt/comfort + first time)

The Second Rise, Avengers, Kudos: 1275
(Steve/Bucky, bakery AU, the one with therapeutic bread-making)

The Leadership Breakfast, Avengers, Kudos: 1252
(Steve/Bucky, the one with Steve's sketchbook)

Again, the impact of CATWS is clear. I never thought anything of mine would have more kudos than the coloring story. It was inconceivable to me. And yet.

I didn't do it by comments because I haven't in the past, but if I had, two yuletide stories would jump into the top 10, as would the Steve/Peter and the Despicable Me/Avengers crossover.


In other news, don't forget Orphan Black comes back tonight!


Today's poem:

The Calling Out of Names

The place the dead go has hooded windows. No binoculars.
There are no birds in that air or anything else worth watching

though sometimes this or that one stirs in the red-roofed loggia
disturbed by a dream, only there it's more like memory

not fully purged. That's when we're put on notice, aware
our thoughts are read. It's what interests them. Not the body,

so like theirs were once, even in the oddities of birthmarks
but, no, there's no thought to body. The sense of it, they dispel

lying so deep in one another's grief. Still, there's the tug of the familiar,
the familial - someone's habit here of singing out a name - that solicits

attention if only because touch was the last sensation
a hand brushing a forehead

and for a moment, they think our thoughts and our inarticulate arms
open and birds, with the most beautiful bodies, lift into the air.

~Anne Compton


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/742449.html.
people have commented there.

national poetry month 2015, memes: fannish, writing: my stories, poetry, memes: writing

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