that season left the world and then returned

Dec 29, 2014 11:05

I needed HR to do ONE THING for me so I could finish this project I'm working on. It was supposed to be done last week before I left on Tuesday. It is still not done, and people are blowing up my phone/email looking for it. Ugh. HR. WHY SO USELESS?



Year-end memes ahoy:

first lines of the month meme:

January: Let the yuletide revels reveals commence!

February: I have this crockpot beef stew in the slow cooker, for my dad's frozen meals for the next week.

March: Yesterday, the AV Club did an inventory about shows NBC should revive before Heroes, and the two they didn't mention but which came up a bunch in the comments were the two I would vote for: Kings and Life.

April: As much as AO3 has made running challenges easier, sometimes it just moves so slow when trying tweak matching that I forget what I've done/need to do while I wait for each page of participants to load or for it to save changes.

May: I feel like Lloyd Dobler, except instead of buying, selling, or processing, I no longer want to copy, collate, or notarize.

June: Orphan Black: HOLY SHIT DONNIE!

July: Last night, I had some amazingly sweet strawberries, and I made whipped cream, so I had strawberries and cream and it was delicious.

August: So Nick really did pull Korra from the schedule and it's only going to be available online?

September: I had a lazy day today, which was nice.

October: September recs update ahoy:

November: I didn't actually do a lot today, but it's gray and cold and rainy - November is really asserting its chilly personality right out of the gate this year - but I want to curl up under the covers and read for the rest of the weekend.

December: This morning was a cavalcade of minor irritations - all the bottles in my fridge decided to tip over when I removed the container of milk, I forgot my Metro card and had to use change to get on the bus (and had to buy a pack of gum in order to have enough change), and then I had to add some time to my backup Metro card, etc.

January: "I like your outfit," is the first thing he says to her, but there's none of the leering she's come to expect from a certain type of man, just admiration and an eagerness that reminds her of a puppy.

February: Steve can't help but be aware of Captain America memorabilia, both the stuff from the war, and the stuff that proliferated afterwards.

March: Bucky towels his hair dry but doesn't bother with pulling on his underwear--it sounds like Steve and Natasha got well on their way while he was in the shower, and he doesn't see a point in putting on clothes he's just going to be taking off in a couple of minutes.

April: Natasha knows better than to even think about being bored on a mission, even one as uneventful as this one has been, so while she waits for their ride, she refamiliarizes herself with the Port of Vladivostok.

May: After the explosion, Steph finds herself pressed up against Batman's (Dick's) chest, his arms tight around her, one hand cradling the back of her head.

June: Bucky would like to say that he'd only ever had eyes for Steve, that for as long as he'd known what desire was, Steve was the one he'd desired, but it wouldn't be true.

July: "There's a mission this morning, sir, and your services are required," JARVIS says, just as Steve is finishing his morning shave.

August: Bucky's getting better.

September: Steve had learned to knit as a boy.

October: After all the other surprises the night John's daughter was born--both good and bad--Felicity supposes she can't blame Oliver for forgetting to tell her that Barry came out of his coma.

November: Felicity keeps her desk at the foundry stocked with snacks for herself and for Oliver and John and the others--a box of pop tarts for a quick breakfast or snack, a bag of grapes when they look good or are on sale, a container of trail mix and an array of granola bars, for energy boosts and protein, but losing her job at Queen Consolidated has really cut into her budget.

December: In the three months since Bucky's started going on missions with the Avengers, he hasn't done much publicity.


Today's December meme topic:

December 29:
silveraspen asked about my thoughts on the direction of the MCU.

I am SUPER EXCITED about AGENT CARTER. PLEASE DON'T SUCK. And the stuff I've read about Daredevil and AKA Jessica Jones sounds good, so I'm hopeful about those.

I gave up on SHIELD. It was not enjoyable to me most of the time, though I'm glad that they seem to be taking some initiative and setting things up for the future of the movies, rather than just being tangential and reactionary to them.

I'm less sanguine about the movies themselves. I get why financially you want Robert Downey Jr. in your movie, but I feel like Tony landed in a good place at the end of IM3, so unless he's going to do a full-on heel-turn into supervillainy (which, let's face it, is never going to happen), I'm not interested in rehashing his issues in future films, nor do I want him impinging on the Captain America movies, which should belong to Steve and Bucky and Natasha and Sam. If the "civil war" in Cap 3 revolves around dealing with Bucky and whether he's a POW or a traitor, and the emotional heart of the movie is Steve trying to get Bucky back, that's good. That's what it should be. If Bucky is pushed aside or left to recover off-screen while the movie is centered yet again on Tony's fuckups as a human being, meh. That's what Iron Man movies are for.

I'm concerned a little that Chris Evans' contract is up after six movies, and while I love Bucky Cap, I don't know if I'm ready for that in the movies, or whether the movies would handle it well.

I have no desire to see Ant-Man, especially since there's not going to be a Wasp or a Stature in it, and the casting for Doctor Strange made me sad but also freed up that space on my calendar, since I don't want to watch Cumberbatch's face for two hours on the big screen. *shudders* I wish they'd done something interesting or exciting with that casting - Alexander Siddig! Oded Fehr! Ken Watanabe! - something that showed they understood how racist and sketchy the background story is, and were going to revamp it to be less so. And also someone who wasn't a bland white guy who has been in every other franchise lately. (He's a fine actor. I just don't like him.) This also kills the small hope I had that they'd cast an Asian or Asian-American actor as Danny Rand, for the same reasons.

I'm definitely excited for Black Panther and Captain Marvel! Chadwick Boseman is a FINE addition to the MCU, and I can't wait to see him on screen, because he's so freaking charismatic! And as much as I'd love to see Katee Sackhoff as Carol, I can probably accept someone else in the role. I just want to see her on screen. PUNCH A HOLE IN THE SKY.

I'm forever pissed off that there's no Black Widow movie. I think it's nothing but bullshit sexism. She can be a supporting character in other movies and still have her own trilogy, like Thor and Steve and Tony. Certainly Scarlett Johansson has said she's interested and this year proved that she can open an action movie. So the lack of such a thing is simply sexism and bullshit. Don't even say they have to work within the schedule they've set up. THEY SET UP THE SCHEDULE. THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT. MARVEL STUDIOS IS BASICALLY PRINTING MONEY RIGHT NOW AND DISNEY KNOWS HOW TO SELL MOVIES ABOUT LADIES.

And Cap 2 ended in a perfect place to give Natasha her own movie. It doesn't have to be an origin story. (I would prefer it not be, frankly.) It could be a re-origin story, a story about who she is NOW and who she becomes now that all her covers are blown and SHIELD is gone but the world still needs protecting. And it wouldn't need Hawkeye or Winter Soldier (though certainly Bucky could show up; I don't care either way about Clint) - she could fight Yelena Belova, who is the new Black Widow. She could have some new villain. I don't care. A spy movie is a lot less expensive than a superhero movie (even counting Johansson's astronomical salary) and it would make a ton of money even it wasn't good, but they could MAKE it good, they could base it on Name of the Rose or Pale Little Spider and it would be AMAZING. But no.

So, uh, I have a lot of mixed feelings? I love what we've gotten so far, but I worry about the future.


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