i'm standing in a windy tunnel, shouting through the roar

Oct 28, 2014 18:55

Wow, I don't post multiple times a day much any more, but I feel like I need to squee (and grumble) here (and also I'm a little scared to get on tumblr atm) about the news coming out about Marvel's Phase 3.

The good:

CAPTAIN MARVEL! CONFIRMED AS CAROL DANVERS (I say let's leave Mar-Vell out of it altogether, or he can die in the pre-credits sequence and the movie can be about Carol learning to use her powers.) My money's for Katee Sackhoff, even though she's not tall enough, but I like a lot of the other suggestions I've seen around the internets: Yvonne Strahovski, Rosamund Pike, Emily Blunt, Charlize Theron, Anna Torv, the blonde lady from Vikings whose name I don't know (though maybe she could be Valkyrie?). Carol needs to be someone you believe can throw a punch with some force even before she gets superpowered, though, and Starbuck is basically one long audition for the role.

Also, will I get to see DANGERS together onscreen? I WOULD PAY REAL MONEY FOR THAT. AND A KAMALA KHAN CAMEO (especially since they are also doing Inhumans.)

BLACK PANTHER! T'CHALLA ON MY MULTIPLEX SCREEN YAY! CHADWICK BOSEMAN IS SO CHARISMATIC. And I guess since he's making a cameo in Cap 3 that that's when the shield gets repaired (vibranium comes from Wakanda, which is the nation T'Challa is king of, for those of you who haven't wiki'd all this yet [or read the comics; I know a lot of you are a lot more familiar with the comics than I am]). Though I am still totally on board for that being the post-credits scene in AoU.

No confirmation yet on Bendadoodle Crumplysnatch playing Stephen Strange. KEEP THE ODED FEHR/ALEXANDER SIDDIG/KEN WATANABE/NOT ANOTHER WHITE DUDE DREAM ALIVE ONE MORE DAY. (Also, I don't think I would pay money to watch him be the main character in a film. I find him supremely unattractive. I have his name in tumblr savior so I don't get surprised by his face on my dash.) (I have other reasons than not liking him - I didn't like any of the white dude names floated for the part - if they're doing Doc Strange, they need to get rid of some of the racism of him going to the ~mysterious east~ and becoming the bestest sorceror ever after being trained by Asian masters [him and Iron Fist both]. Also, I'm not sure I believe he'd sign such a long-term deal when he's such a hot property atm.)

The not-as-bad-as-it-could be:

Civil War. Hopefully it as as much to do with the comics arc as movie!Age of Ultron does, which is sweet fuck all. They say it'll be about superhero oversight and accountability, which I guess makes some sense, and it can certainly tie in with the Bucky Barnes: POW vs. TRAITOR thing that could--and SHOULD--be the emotional throughline of Cap 3. Also, maybe it will give us this glorious event:

Also, I wonder if the 'act break' between the split third and fourth Avengers movies will be Steve's 'assassination.' Because the first one would be Chris Evans' sixth movie. and then the eventual end credits scene of the last one could be him returning to his body/hiding out somewhere with a beard and a dye job while Bucky and/or Sam are Captain America.

The bad:

Still no Black Widow movie, yet Ant-Man is still a thing. Sigh. If the reason we're not getting it is beacuse Scarlett Johansson doesn't want to do it, that's one thing, but I'm afraid it's just because Marvel doesn't want to pay her what they'd have to if she renegotiated her contract. Possibly they'll do it with Monica Chang instead, when Scarlett bows out? Though a Natasha/Yelena Belova movie would be pretty awesome. I am just saying. Saoirse Ronan could play Yelena. You know that would be amazing.


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avengers, avengers assemble, punch a hole in the sky, this is captain america calling, movies

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