I never knew me a better time and I guess I never will

Oct 27, 2014 16:07

The Good Wife
I don't know what the title of this one was, but I'm guessing it was "Old Spice." If it wasn't, it should have been!
snacky and I spent most of the episode going "OMG OMG OMG" to each other over IM. Perotti's courting of Elsbeth was both awkwardly awful as hell (and terrible in terms of real life) and hilarious. He's so gross and yet sort of mesmerizing in his weirdly intense attraction to her. And Elsbeth! Call me...maybe. I loved how she came out on top in the end, as she always does. I do think they need to give the character a rest for a while though. She's best in small doses.

Oh, Cary. I just want to hug him and pet his fluffy hair and tell him it's going to be all right. because he is in a dark, bad place right now and I don't know if he's not taking it seriously or if he's just so freaked out by it that he's reckless/careless, but ugh, he needs SO MANY HUGS. I LOVE that Alicia was like, "No. We're partners. I'm here for you!" I believe her, even though they are butting heads about work (and she's basically doing everything Cary doesn't want her to do), that she is sincerely there for him as a person. It's one of the few sincere things she's got left, I think.

And is it me, or did those two ladies he hit on at that mixer parallel Robin and then Kalinda? (though seriously, Cary, run away from the lady who makes gang rape jokes. They are never funny.) I thought that was interesting.

Also, Linda Lavin is knocking it out of the park with her portrayal of a worker who just wants to do her job and also help Cary get through this process with minimal damage. LISTEN TO ALICE, CARY.

I feel like Alicia could save herself a lot of trouble if she just said, you know, I'm agnostic. It still wouldn't be the 100% truth, but it'd be a lot more palatable to both voters and her conscience (and Grace!) if she left it at that instead of pretending like it's something she's struggling with to win or at least not alienate voters. (I'm still not really a big fan of her running, but I love that Eli's daughter is now her body woman. We need more of her - she's awesome! Alternately, from next week's previews, it looks like maybe they're going to give her an out? I hope?)

And as much as I didn't want them to move back into the old L/G offices, man, that final scene with Alicia and Diane and Will's office was AMAZING. *sniffle*


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tv: the good wife

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