we all invent ourselves

Oct 24, 2014 21:02

As the deadline for yuletide signups approaches, I keep refining my offers, if by refining you mean "dropping things that don't have any letters or fiddling with characters so as not to get assigned to someone asking for something I can't/don't want to write." But I'm interested in a bunch of different requests for things that are still on the list, so I'm sure it will all work out. *deep breaths*


This morning, my iPod played "Follow You, Follow Me" and I got a little teary thinking about Steve and Bucky. *sniff* Someone should vid that. (Of course, I also suggested to
angelgazing that someone should vid them to "Stayin' Alive," so I'm not really a source of good ideas.)


This made me laugh probably more than it should have: Martha Stewart’s newest party plan is punk as artisanal fuck. I guess she is pretty hardcore. She's been to prison, after all.


Ugh, work. Before leaving on her three week vacation, boss1 dropped a large, time-consuming project on me. So much for plans to read and write fic at work the whole time. Sigh.


Legend of Korra: The Calling
Oh my gosh, what a great episode for Ikki! I'm so happy to see her come into her own here, when Meelo and Jinora were ignoring her or just being annoying. I LOVED her pumping her captors for information, especially since she obviously could have escaped at any time and they were feeding her macaroons. Go, Ikki!

I also thought Meelo's first flirtation was adorable, though someone needs to sit that kid down and set him straight, because he was a menace on this trip. Also, Jinora being very Tenzin-like with her tunnel vision about how to find Korra.

The episode was kind of a throwback to AtLA, which I enjoyed, though I still wish we knew more about what Sokka ended up doing (aside from being on the ruling council of Republic City). And while I thought Toph's lessons were a little too much tell and not quite enough show, I really liked her message, that Korra had to learn to move past her fear (fear leads to anger / fear is the mindkiller etc.) and take the lessons from her enemies but not let them continue to have a hold over her life.

And when you see her visions, man, Korra has had a rough, rough time as the Avatar. Like, yeah, Aang lost everyone after being frozen for 100 years and his whole nation was exterminated, but he wasn't personally violated violently, whereas Korra was in three different ways, three separate times, and that's gotta leave a mark. Hence the mercury still inside of her, making her unable to fully heal. Her bending the mercury out was an AMAZING scene, and I got a little choked up.

Oh, Korra, honey, you deserve ALL the hugs.

So it looks like the plot might start ramping up soon. I am excited to see where it goes!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/700171.html.
people have commented there.

tv: avatar: the legend of korra, we make our own fun, links

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