the most wonderful time of the year

Oct 19, 2014 11:01

Dear yuletide writer person:

First of all, I want to say a big thank you for agreeing to write a story for me. I love all the characters I've chosen, so I will be happy with a story for any request. If you've already got a story in mind, then go for it! I'm sure it will be fabulous. These are all just possible jumping off points if you feel the need.

Since it's entirely possible we don't know each other, I figured I'd give you some basics about me and some tips on the kinds of things I like/dislike in stories:

Where to find me: I am
musesfool on AO3, and
cacchieressa on tumblr, plus I have a recs journal at

Likes: Banter, people who are friends having fun/adventures together, people being good friends to each other, crossovers (between canons I'm familiar with), roadtrips, humor, meet-cutes, reunionating, hugs!, enthusiastic consent, ridiculous rom com tropes, and hopeful endings. I also like stories that are wistful/bittersweet/achy or that leave me laughing and crying, so if you can make me laugh and cry at the same time, I will make heart-eyes at you.

If you're writing sex, I like it when it's fun and a little awkward, but that's okay because everybody's having a good time. If they're bantering and laughing during sex, that is my favorite. I especially like it when people exchange I love yous without actually saying the words. (a prime example: "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for a beer." "If you were in an accident, I wouldn't stop for red lights.")

Oh, and Christmas/New Year's/holiday stories are obviously not necessary, but if it strikes you that way, they are okay by me!

Dislikes: I'd really rather not have stories that are super-dark and angsty. I really dislike despair. I need some kind of hope, some light at the end of the tunnel, even when the ending of a story is canonically heartbreaking. I have a huge embarrassment/humiliation squick, so please avoid that. Please also avoid rape, non-con, partner betrayal/infidelity, graphic sexual violence, and child or animal harm.

Mostly, I want the characters to sound like themselves and have fun hanging out with each other, because I love hanging out with them. Most of the characters I've chosen this year are friends, family (found or blood or work), and/or partners, and I enjoy basking in their friendship, especially if it's bantery and draws on their history together.

If it can be described by the phrase "hijinks ensue," you're probably nailing it. In all cases, if you have an idea that uses all the characters I've requested, that's awesome, but if you don't/can't, that's okay, too. Certainly my suggestions include ideas that only use two or three characters at a time, so don't feel like you need to shoehorn someone in if it doesn't work with what you're writing.

To sum up, in case that was a bit tl;dr: partnership/friendship + shenanigans = YAY!

In terms of specifics, I feel like I am really just reiterating my requests in different words (actual request details are in italics, addenda in plain text), but maybe this will be helpful (note: these are in alpha order by fandom; I really do want all of them, so don't worry about which one you match on - I will be happy with any of them!):

Blue Beetle: Jaime Reyes, Brenda Del Vecchio, Paco Tejas
While I OT3 Jaime/Paco/Brenda hard and would love to see fic about them in that way (please!), gen about them is awesome too, because I adore their bantery, pop-culture-filled BFFness! So if you want to write a story about, say, how Brenda decides to go to UT-El Paso to stay close to Paco and continue helping Jaime out, or how Jaime handles college + superheroing or something like that, I'd love it! But if you OT3 them like I do, a story about how that happens would be amazing. (Does Brenda convince Paco or v.v.? How do they approach Jaime? What does Khaji Da think of the whole thing?)

I love how Paco and Brenda support Jaime's superheroing and also are willing to pick up arms (or sticks) to fight with/for him when necessary (obv. this is pre-reboot). Really, anything at all with all three of them would make me happy (please, no Jaime/Paco without Brenda). I'm also very fond of Traci 13, so don't feel it's necessary to exclude her on my account! I'm very fond of the Reyes family in general, so I'm pretty easy to please here.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Terry Jeffords, Raymond Holt, Amy Santiago, Rosa Diaz
Terry and Holt doing more efficiency training/work with the squad! Holt and/or Terry mentoring Amy - maybe Amy decides to take the sergeant's exam or something and Terry quizzes her and hijinks ensue. (Note: I don't know anything about police ranks/procedures, so I don't know if that is a thing - I'm just thinking about the Homicide episode where Kay and Munch compete about the sergeant's exam and it's a thing. Maybe Amy and Rosa compete? And then make out?) Or Terry and Holt and their respective spouses have to socialize at something and it does not go well, with hilarious results! I'd also be down for Diaz/Santiago going out for cheap takeout and boning down after a long day on the job.

These four are my favorites on the show - it changes week to week which one is actually number one, but it always rotates through them, sometimes scene by scene. So anything featuring them in some combination is bound to make me happy.

Enlisted: Jill Perez, Donald Cody, Cindy Park, Tanisha Robinson
I'm so sad this show was cancelled and not rescued by Netflix or something before it gave us more of Rear D's hilarious misadventures. I would love to see The Lone Wolf, I mean, Perez, ride again during another Ladies' Night with Park and Robinson, with shenanigans (and maybe some learning and hugging) occurring. Or I'd love a story about Sgt. Major Cody mentoring Perez, or Perez mentoring Park and Robinson, or, you know, trying, with wacky hijinks ensuing, per the show.

I really enjoyed how this show could be super silly and then turn on a dime and make me cry (Alive Day, anybody?) and I know that's a lot to ask for in one ~1000 word story, so either type of story would be neat, but if you're in doubt, silliness is always a plus in my book.

The Middleman: The Middleman, Wendy Watson, Noser, Ida
What happens when Noser and Ida meet? Can Ida Stump the Band? Can Noser charm Ida? Or what happens to Wendy and Noser's friendship when he discovers her job as a Middleman-in-training? Or how about some straight-up Middleman & Wendy saving the universe (or one small patch of it) hijinks? What happens if aliens crash Art Crawl? I think that would be great, if that's what you're into writing. I love this show and its characters a lot and there is never enough fic, so I'm sure whatever you come up with will thrill!

The things I love about The Middleman - both the show and the character - are too numerous to list, but a few of them include the show's meta commentary on superhero stories (and Wendy's genre-savviness), the dedication to pop culture references in all aspects (the Ghostbusters episode, the Die Hard episode, etc.), its willingness to allow Wendy to try to have both a superhero life and a "normal" life without making her angst too much about it, but still showing what it costs her in terms of her relationships, the tempering of the Middleman's optimism with pragmatism. Also, I've read both the 13th episode comic and the new crowdsourced comic, so no need to worry about spoiling me.

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries: Tobias Butler, Prudence Stanley, Jane Ross, Dot Williams
I would love to see Aunt P and Mr. Butler team up with Dot and Jane to solve a mystery, possibly in a Zeppo-like fashion, where they'd be the B- or C-plot on the show, but up front in the story. Maybe something below-stairs to mirror/match what's happening in Phryne's case above-stairs? With Dot teaching them what she's learned of being a detective from Phryne? Or Mr. B and Aunt P could team up to rescue someone! Something where the older generation are in the spotlight for an adventure, anyway. I threw Jane in because I enjoy her relationships with everyone, but if she doesn't fit the story, she doesn't have to be in it.

I really like how the show subverted my expectations of Mr. B, Aunt P., and Dot, in that they seem like they're going to be stuffy and judgy and unpleasant, but instead they are super competent and supportive of Phryne even when they don't agree with her (well, Aunt P is a little judgy anyway, but we forgive her for it), and they certainly enter into the spirit of the adventure when called upon to do so (and Dot, of course, doesn't want to give it up), and I'd like to see that foregrounded in a story. Also, I didn't have space to request them, but if you need Bert and Cec (or any other cast member) for a story, of course they can participate! Also also, I've seen both seasons, so no worries about spoilers. (FYI: S2 comes to Netflix on November 1.)

Montmaray Journals - Michelle Cooper: Sophie FitzOsborne, Veronica FitzOsborne, Henry FitzOsborne
I am most interested in the FitzOsborne ladies being awesome, each in their own particular, inimitable ways. Maybe Sophie does some more actual spying for the Colonel (after all, she's Machiavelli in a morning dress). Maybe Veronica writes scathing editorials that get her in trouble with the government (or with Aunt Charlotte). Or tell me about Henry's more successful rescue efforts *sobs*. Or something set earlier, pre-series or in the first book, about life in Montmaray. Also, don't feel you need to include Henry if she doesn't fit into Sophie or Veronica's story, but if you want to write a story about Henry's heroics, I'd enjoy the hell out of that. Lastly, I like Veronica/David and Sophie/Rupert and enjoy Toby and his polyamorous marriage, so no need to write the men out, but I'd prefer not to focus on them.

I ♥ these books so much that anything more with the FitzOsborne ladies is going to please me. I also feel like they're ripe for crossovers, so if you want them to meet the Pevensies, or Peggy Carter, or Julie and/or Maddie from Code Name: Verity, or any other period appropriate guests I'm not thinking of at the moment, I love crossovers and awesome ladies, so this would be a great place for that.

Thank you again for writing for me! I hope you have a lot of fun and write something that makes you happy. I'm sure your story will be awesome.




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