I can't escape that way, the windows are in flames

Oct 15, 2014 15:28

Ugh back at work. So busy. Blah blah blah.

The internets tell me that WB/DC has actually scheduled a Wonder Woman movie for 2017 (see also here). Prayer circle that it actually happens and that it's actually good.

There's also a Suicide Squad movie listed, which - I keep meaning to read Suicide Squad, but I'm not sure exactly what parts are the good parts (also, I get Secret Six and Sinister Six confused - which one is worth reading?). Can anyone tell me what it is I should be reading here? I really enjoyed the Suicide Squad episode(s) on Arrow, if that helps.

They're also listing a separate Flash movie (starring Ezra Miller? Should I know who that is? And will it be Wally or will it be Barry from Earth whatever number the movie universe is supposed to be?) and an Aquaman movie with Jason Momoa (KNIVES! IN HIS HAIR!), who I'd have rather seen as Namor, but whatever. I'm kind of sad that we won't be getting Batman The Brave and the Bold Aquaman, because he was OUTRAGEOUS. But I have a strong feeling he doesn't fit into the DC movie aesthetic of gray and gritty.

The fact that The Flash isn't grim and gritty is one of numerous points in its favor, imo. Last night's episode fell into the second episode/repeat all the beats from the pilot trap, but I still enjoyed it. If they're going to keep the voiceovers, at least they're only at the beginning and the end, though I had hopes when Barry was like, "I'm supposed to tell you who I am but let's just get to the good stuff!" because I hoped we weren't going to reiterate what we'd already seen, but I guess that was too much to hope for.

I did like how Team Flash is already pulling together, and that Joe West is involved (I actually said, "Barry, how could you?!" when he was all "You're not my real dad!" to Joe, not as a little kid, but as an adult! And then later he was like, "You fed me and clothed me and dropped me off at college. Sounds like a real dad to me." And I sniffled. I am so easy for this shit.), though as much as Barry needs his confidence boosted, and realistically ("realistically" she says about a show about a guy who got super speed powers from being struck by lightning while a particle accelerator exploded), the Flash is pretty much unbeatable in a fight (unless you make him slip/slow down, like they did to Wally on JL/JLU all the time), I still think they should have been like, "And now you should learn some sweet self-defense moves at regular speed, just in case." Maybe give Oliver and Diggle a call for that, huh?

I've seem some really interesting speculation that Wells (Harrison Wells! Surely his middle initial is G? And don't call him Shirley!) isn't a reverse Flash or Zoom (since it seems like Thawne should be Zoom) but maybe Rip Hunter? Killing to keep Barry safe/the timeline secure? I know they didn't let Arrow use Ted Kord, though Kord Industries has been namechecked (and that's why we're getting Ray Palmer instead), but time travel = Booster Gold, right? I am just saying, even though I myself am not a huge Booster Gold fan. Also, Stagg...I'm guessing he has a daughter he's creepily obsessive about, who ends up falling in love with a dude who becomes Metamorpho? (also, dear Gotham, this is how you do hints/Easter eggs. Not having everyone say how much Cobblepot walks like a Penguin.)

I don't mind Iris getting her Lois Lane on and investigating the "red blur" but they were really hitting Peter Parker levels of "Barry keeps letting her down" in this episode. I hope they tone that down soon, and bring her into the loop sooner rather than later. Let's not create another Laurel situation, where she's both tangential and kept in the dark. It does the character no favors.

I'm going to need icons. I can feel it.


Wednesday reading!

What I've just finished
Vixen in Velvet by Loretta Chase, which had a surprisingly genre-savvy heroine for a historical romance novel, which I liked, and the banter game was strong between Leonie and Simon, but I did not like that he forcibly abducted her at the end, even if it was just to make her think things over and make a pro/con list. She didn't know that!

Lucky Us by Amy Bloom, which started off with a vintage Hollywood lesbian orgy, and when you start off with that kind of high point, it's really hard for the rest of the book to live up to it. I found the writing super vivid and compelling, but I don't think the story held together really well. And I did not like the ending: Ugh, Gus. I kept hoping Eva would meet someone nice in her fortune-telling/medical school adventures, but no.

What I'm reading now
Arctic Rising by Tobias Buckell, which is interesting, if workmanlike (also, 'taught' for 'taut' in a published book? really?). Anika, our heroine, is a Nigerian, lesbian airship pilot who stumbles onto a plot involving nukes in a near future universe where the polar ice caps have melted, changing the world quite a bit. I'm a little less than halfway through and wondering how it's all going to work out, so that's good.

What I'm reading next
When have I ever known the answer to this question?


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/698492.html.
people have commented there.

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, books, my flist knows everything, you're a wonder wonder woman, movies, comics

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