we're being taken for a ride again

Oct 14, 2014 19:21

Listen, unsubstantiated rumors or not, the only way a Civil War type storyline works in Cap 3 is IF IT IS ABOUT BUCKY AND HIS ACTIONS AS THE WINTER SOLDIER, and people are torn over what's to be done about him (possibly featuring shirtless bear-wrestling. I am not even joking.). That's the only way you get any real stakes/emotional investment in that plot, because in the movies, Steve and Tony aren't friendly enough that them falling out would matter much. (if you really want to have that investment, you have to either make it *about* Bucky, or make it Tony v. Rhodey, which doesn't belong in a Captain America movie.) (Also, last month, the Russo brothers said doing Civil War was highly unlikely. I suppose they could have been obfuscating then, but I prefer to believe them.)

I refuse to acknowledge the existence of a Cap 3 that ISN'T somehow about Bucky and his reintegration into Steve's life/the future. (I also refuse to acknowledge the idea that they're going to kill off Steve to give us Bucky Cap, and I LOVE Bucky Cap. Regardless of whether or not Chris Evans wants out of the MCU.) I don't want a Cap 3 that's rife with Tony Stark, but I especially don't want it if they turn Tony into the fascist dickbag that he was in the comics during that arc while still expecting me to like him. Though I guess if he is also the one who created Ultron, maybe he's just doing a heel turn and we'll get actual supervillain Tony Stark. *hands* It'd probably be a fun acting job for RDJ.

Anyway, given that 1. the movies have not slavishly followed any comics storyline despite cribbing some fantastic beats from them (mostly in CATWS), 2. there are no mutants, no Fantastic Four, and no Spiderman, all of whom had key roles in the comics storyline (don't even mention Ant-Man to me, though I suppose by then Wanda and Pietro will also exist, bringing the number of superpowered people in the MCU up to what, 14? 15 if Pepper still has Extremis?), 3. the government ALREADY KNOWS who all the superheroes are, and employed a lot of them already, 4. nobody trusts the US government anyway after it turned out to be a. full of Nazis and b. the Vice President was going to sell the President out to AIM, and 5. MARK MILLAR LICKS GOATS (give me a NEXTWAVE movie, Marvel), I categorically refuse to accept this current speculation as news and will continue to do so until the credits on Cap 3 roll.

The great thing about being a comics fan is that you learn pretty quickly that you can ignore whole swathes of canon, because that's what the actual writers do, too.

Have some beautiful Tim/Kon art by Marcus To instead. That's what I wanted on my dash last night after this 'news' hit. (I still don't understand why Tim/Kon wasn't canon.)

Speaking of DC and last night, ugh, I think I'm done with Gotham, unless or until someone reassures me that it's stopped being so terribly written. (I also think I'm done with SHIELD. I have two unwatched episodes on my DVR and I don't plan to watch tonight and I feel okay about that. I haven't enjoyed it much so far, so odds are dropping it is just the wiser move, especially when I have numerous other shows I actually like.)

Otoh, Sleepy Hollow. I know Ichabod is married and all, but he and Abbie need to have hot makeouts soon because goddamn, their chemistry is hot. The driving! His insistence that whether they win or lose, they'll do it together! THE CAPPUCCINO! Her little "I can't even with you" when she's wiping the foam off his nose. <333

I also love that even though she's all, "Get in there and finish it, Crane!" she's actually the one who kills the piper. ♥ABBIE♥

I feel like the blond dude could have been replaced by Jenny and I'd have been just as happy, though I hope Jenny checks out who she's acquiring occult items for nowadays, given all the demons running around etc.

Things are not looking so great for Captain Irving, though I don't believe you can unwittingly sell your soul like that! I thought the whole point was that you had to knowingly engage in a deal with the devil for it to work. Otherwise, what's to stop him from just fooling people into signing themselves over left and right? Pfft!

I feel like this episode could have done more with the mother character who also was the sisters' caseworker when they were young - if they only brought her up for this episode, that seems like a waste.

but mostly I love that Abbie and Ichabod keep reinforcing their bond, which no doubt means a separation is coming again soon, but they really need to make out soon. Hiding while undercover! Sex pollen! I'm willing to go with any number of tropes to get them there. IJS.


I got my hair cut and colored this afternoon. I really like how it turned out and even though she blew it out straight, it only took two hours and twenty minutes, which is less time than usual, thank god.

And then I came home and made cheesy garlic bread for dinner. It was my last day of vacation, and I think I've spent it well. I'd rather not have to go back to work but I always feel that way. I just don't like getting up early, commuting, or, you know, having to work for a living. Why can't I be independently wealthy? Sigh.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/698242.html.
people have commented there.

tv: gotham, tv: sleepy hollow, this is captain america calling, my life so hard, makeup

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