and maintain a 1-0 lead

Oct 09, 2014 21:49

We met with an eldercare lawyer today. Do yourselves a favor, kids, and make sure any large assets are transferred into your name(s) well before you expect your parents to need long-term care. (Note: My dad does not at this time need it, but there is a five-year Medicaid lookback you should be aware of. The rules are pretty stringent.)

I got home about 5 pm and I was exhausted (I left my apartment at 11:15; the lawyer's office is on the island, of course) because for some reason, I haven't been sleeping well recently, and last night I didn't get to sleep until sometime after 4 am. Ugh, very unpleasant. So I took a nice nap.

Anyway. I missed the reading meme yesterday so:

What I've just finished
Snuff, which I enjoyed but didn't love. Not enough Sybil, too much Vimes as White Savior. I think if they had just stuck with trafficking the goblins, it would have not pinged as badly as it did with making it full on chattel slavery with goblins being sold off to work on tobacco plantations. I mean, seriously? At least in Unseen Academicals Nutt was a main, POV character. None of the goblins rise to that here. Also, the ending was weirdly attenuated and the whole book was kind of choppy.

Blood of Olympus, which I enjoyed and which wrapped up the second series nicely. FINALLY A NICO POV. But I felt like the book suffered a little by not having any Percy POV. He's still my favorite after everything, though I really loved Reyna a lot in this book, and was happy to see Nico find a cute boy who seems to be into him and also a home at Camp Half-Blood. And Leo gets a fantastic ending. I was amused to see that Riordan is in fact doing a Norse mythology series next, though I was hoping for more Percy-Kane family crossovers.

What I'm reading now
Vixen in Velvet, the third dressmakers book, by Loretta Chase. I'm enjoying it. Good banter between the hero and heroine.

What I'm reading next
We'll see when it happens!


Arrow: The Calm
OH SHOW NO. I AM DISAPPOINT. I was so PLEASED that Sara didn't get killed in the s2 finale and then they do this!? Ugh, I don't understand why they're so wedded to Laurel as Black Canary. (And, no doubt, somehow leading back to Ollie/Laurel later in the show, even though that relationship should stay dead and buried. Ugh.) They've changed up so much else from the comics, why not leave us with Sara, a character who actually worked on the show, and ditch Laurel, a character who hasn't. They've never been good with writing for her, and I am not confident that that's going to change any time soon.

I also really hated that Diggle told Oliver he was right to order him (Dig) out of the field now that he's a dad. I'm not saying Diggle shouldn't play it safer now that he has a kid. Though plenty of cops, firemen and soldiers are also parents. I am saying it should be DIGGLE'S CHOICE, probably in consultation with Lyla, not Ollie's. Ugh. Not pleased about that at all.

On the other hand, tiny Diglet! Aw heart.

Brandon Routh was very charming here, though also kind of stalkery, which I'm not on board with, and hopefully he will have to work his pretty ass off to get into Felicity's good graces. She should just go to Central City and have beautiful nerdy babies with Barry instead. Because Ollie is going to keep doing that dumbass I want you/we can't dance and Felicity rightfully tells him not to do that. It was beautiful while it lasted though. Sigh.

I liked that Ollie's fear was himself, and I also thought it was a clever way to not have to hide Peter Stormare in the fight scenes.

I'm guessing Malcolm's the one who killed Sara? Also, the text from Thea at the beginning was fake right? I liked that there was another Ferris Air reference at the big fight (and I guess one of those guys is probably going to be Ted Grant? Who will train Laurel?).

So that happened.


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, life, books, tv: arrow, books: percy jackson, books: discworld

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