i was ready for the downslide, but not for spring to well up

Jul 17, 2014 20:09

+ The house is sold! Our long national nightmare is over! They signed the papers this afternoon at the closing, and the money is in the bank. \o/ Now the buyer's credit problems have no impact on us at all. And now we have to do some other research about stuff, but at least that's the major monkey off our backs.

+ Speaking of monkeys off backs, the MTA settled its contract dispute with the transit workers, so the LIRR is not going on strike. Whew. Transit strikes are the worst.

+ I bought myself a couple of birthday presents: this bag, which is nice except for the keyfob, which is useless because it has no give to it and so it is very difficult to actually get your keys off it when you need them, and these sunglasses (everything else on that site is kind of horrifying to me, stylewise, but the sunglasses are sweet.) The sunglasses haven't arrived yet, but hopefully they work with my face. *fingers crossed*

+ What I'm reading Wednesday (on a Thursday):

I'm about 2/3 done with The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War. This week it's been Stalingrad, the invasion of Italy, and just today, I finished with the battle of Kursk. I feel like this book is less dry than Beevor, but Beevor is pretty comprehensive, and I still like the Hastings best (possibly because I read it first? But it used a lot of interesting primary sources; this one doesn't do as much of that). Also, this one has some glitches in the ebook - words missing etc. that I haven't run into very much in other legit ebooks.

Once I'm done, maybe I'll read some fiction next. We'll see what I'm in the mood for. And maybe what the library has available.

+ Last night, I was in bed by 10. I didn't sleep well at all over my long weekend, and I guess having to go to work really wore me out, because I couldn't keep my eyes open. I got an excellent night's sleep, though, so that's good


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, life, books, genghis khan could bring it on, nyc, shopping

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