Like I waited on your call and made my plans to share my name

Jun 09, 2014 13:15

- Last night, I couldn't get to sleep, so I took a Benadryl around 1:30, and then this morning, I couldn't wake up. Sigh. And then even with an umbrella, I was soaked from the knees down on my morning commute. My life, so hard.

- How did I not know about The Staff of Serapis, in which Sadie Kane and Annabeth Chase team up? YOU ARE ALL FIRED. I guess I know what I'm reading next. Say what you will about Rick Riordan, he seems to know what his readers want. Which right now is a NICO POV in the next book. COME ON. *cough* And also awesome lady-centric crossovers.

- This week's Orphan Black was a bit of a mess. While I understand the reasoning behind Tony's long hair/mullet thing, it just did not work for me at all as a believable hair style choice. I was also super uncomfortable with him and Felix kissing, and you know I'm all for the sibcest but just... nope. And I'm sure it was meant to be that way, and that it was part of Tony's shtick to keep Felix off-balance but no kissing between brother-sestras okay? I did like how Tony's story tied into Paul's, though, and thus to the overall plot. The Cosima stuff and the Alison and Donnie stuff were more successful, and I also really liked Duncan leaving the book - and the no doubt important formulas - with Kira. I first thought she was waking up because she was sensing Cosima's distress (and I suppose that is still also a possibility) but I like that she both connected with her 'grandfather' and was interested in what he'd left for her. And, oh, Cosima. I don't think she's going to die? I'm pretty sure the show is aware enough not to kill of the lesbian clone? But also, allowing her to be healed opens up other possibilities whereas killing her, only to eventually have to fix this problem anyway, seems like a waste. I really liked her owning the nerds at gaming and also how respectful Scott was upon learning she was the clone.

Alison and Donnie! I feel like the show has taken some shortcuts with their relationship - I tended to think of them as together out of convenience and lingering fondness/familiarity than any real love or passion, but I could totally see how being in the accidental manslaughter club could spark the relationship. Also, I love love love how Alison doesn't judge him for killing Leekie, just for doing a poor job with body disposal. Give me all the Alison and Donnie accidental murder club and clean up crew. I would totally watch that spinoff!

I thought the writers did both Sarah and Art a disservice by having them brush off Helena's whereabouts, but hopefully they'll regret that next week.

- I also watched The Lego Movie yesterday, and I thought it was cute. I thought Batman was one of the most on point Batman characterizations I have ever seen. Except for the part where he thinks Bruce Wayne is cool, because Batman totally does not think that, but whatever, it was a minor flaw.

- I've been thinking a lot about Bucky lately (um, even more than usual I guess?), because the thing is, the thing is, Bucky's recovery should be hard and it should be heartbreaking at times but it should also be hopeful. The whole point is that he comes back from what was done to him. He's not the same person he was, but no one who lives any significant amount of time remains exactly the same person they were at 18 or 24, even if they haven't been sent off to war or had unspeakable things done to them, and it's not that Bucky is 'fixed' or whatever, it's that he survives long enough to be able to start living again, to become a person again, and I just can't with unhappy or unhopeful endings for him, with or without romance with Steve involved. (though my OTP feelings have certainly intensified - I kind of feel like I did with Remus and Sirius - as long as Bucky is alive and present, he and Steve have to be together or I spend all my time thinking "but what about Bucky?" There can be other people involved (Peggy, Natasha, Sam and Natasha), but I can't not have Steve and Bucky together (or, you know, pining stoically) while they're both alive and themselves.)


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batman, tv: orphan black, otp: not without you, books: percy jackson, epic tragic century long love story, my life so hard, otp/shipping

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