beginning in a place of peril and possibility

May 16, 2014 14:11

Ugh, today has been a day of getting everything just slightly wrong. Not wrong enough to make a fuss over any one individual item, but the accumulation of each tiny bit of wrongness is really weighing me down. Ugh.

So I'll just link to this - I reblogged it last night because it is an autoreblog for me now, and I listened to it an awkwardly large number of times (again):

Vienna Teng doing a mash-up of Bill Withers' "Ain't No Sunshine" and Eminem's "Lose Yourself"

What makes this so remarkable is that it's 1. live, and 2. that you can watch/hear as she records each section and then layers them over each other to form a brilliant mash-up of two songs that are excellent on their own.

The fact that "Ain't No Sunshine" gives me Steve/Bucky feels is irrelevant, as every song does. But if you wanted to do an epic Steve/Bucky-Captain America/Winter Soldier vid, you could probably do something amazing with this mash-up. IJS.


I was left decidedly "meh" after last night's Elementary season finale. Hopefully they can rev it back up next season, because as much as I love the characters, the show's been stuck in neutral all year, and not because of the mediocre casefiles.


Have a poem:

First Marriage

I held you, or I never held you, or I held you briefly, once, long ago, and you kissed me while my heart kept time.

Or perhaps not, perhaps it was your heart beating, so hard I mistook it for my own.

But surely the paint was new in the floor-through in the Brooklyn brownstone. And I know there was music.

White walls. Books everywhere . . .

And I remember how the still rooms filled with sun.

You may have taken me into your arms as the music (something by Schoenberg, all twelve tones as sweetly reserved and mysterious as a sundial), beginning in a place of peril and possibility, found its way home.

You may have loved me.

Or perhaps not, perhaps it was my heart beating like a metronome.

~Kelly Cherry


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people have commented there.

poetry, vienna teng, music, epic tragic century long love story, tv: elementary, you should totally write that

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