it's as important as where you find it

Mar 21, 2014 07:21

So yesterday was a weird day. AWESOME, but weird.

Last week, Marvel announced that they were doing special advanced "fan only" screenings of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Since I thought it required Facebook, I regretfully let it pass me by. But then
allofthefeelings emailed me to say she had two tickets and did I want to go with her to see the movie on March 20. And yes, I said yes, I will. YES. I HAVE ONLY BEEN WAITING SINCE THE CREDITS OF CAP ONE ROLLED*. ALSO IT MEANS I DON'T HAVE TO AVOID TUMBLR FOR TWO MORE WEEKS, YES.

*Which I understand is nothing compared to the people who've been waiting since they first read the Winter Soldier arc, but even so. Three years is a long time! especially when you have as many Steve and Bucky feels as I do!

I didn't mention it here because there was a whole thing about how they often overbook and what if we didn't get in? And Amy was going to leave work early so she could wait on line, and I also left work early, but not quite as early as she did, but then there was a warning about no cellphones or tablets or other recording devices, and I, being just a tiny bit paranoid in addition to being a whole lot anxious, started freaking out about whether they wouldn't let me in if I had a phone and was I going to have to go home first to drop my phone off etc., and then with L's help I came to the conclusion - one Amy reached also - that we should just leave our phones home for the day (I also swapped my iPad out for my Kindle). OMG NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN.

Especially because what they do - and I honestly said I did not think they would do this because I have been to the Lincoln Square theater many times and they are not the most organized folk - is confiscate all phones and other devices that might be used for recording/pirating purposes. Which is horrifying in a whole different way, and also requires you to pick it up after the movie, which turned into a huge mob scene, so I was kind of glad in the end that we'd decided to leave them home.

Anyway! I got there by 4:45 and Amy was already on line and THEY MADE US WAIT OUTSIDE UNTIL SEVEN THIRTY even though the screening was SUPPOSED TO BEGIN AT SEVEN THIRTY. Which I just don't understand on ANY level. Like, it meant no time to go to the bathroom, no time to buy any popcorn or anything (and I ran out of work and forgot to pick up a bottle of water, which I often do, but I was in a hurry, so I couldn't even hydrate, which on the whole turned out to be good, because there was no time/ability to use the bathroom, either). And Amy and I were barely able to get seats together, and the dude next to me was a talker, which was annoying. And
wintersoldieriscoming and her sister had to sit elsewhere because there wasn't enough room for all four of us to sit together.

wintesoldieriscoming has a post here about how terribly disorganized the whole thing was. Like, the line when I got there was down 68th Street and around the corner, and they sent a bunch of people home, after making them wait until around 6:30 pm, and while yesterday was warmer and nicer than the weather has been lately, after standing in it for almost 3 hours, we were freezing. I was so excited to wear loafers instead of boots and then my feet froze and I totally regretted that decision. Sigh. But even after they made us wait on line, they subjected us to wristbands, a line to turn in phones and devices, then a bag check, and then we got wanded at the theater door. (I was reminded of the time I was part of the conference planning team for a conference at Disneyland. There were a lot of bright smiles around gritted teeth and they frequently said, "That's not how we do things at Disney" as they denied our requests to make things easier/better/more organized for the attendees.)

And wow, this post is already hugely long and I haven't even discussed the movie yet!

Without spoilers, OH MY FUCKING GOD, CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER IS SO FUCKING AWESOME I CAN'T EVEN. I just want to watch it forever and roll around in the STEVE-BUCKY-NATASHA-SAM GOODNESS OF IT ALL. It might be the best movie Marvel has done. Certainly it's up there with the first Iron Man and possibly better than Avengers, which I think are the best two movies of the bunch.

I guess I will do a separate post with spoilers, so nobody has to get spoiled by commenting on this one, because I think seeing it as unspoiled as possible (given the givens, i.e., that many of us have already read the comics arc that inspired it) is best. I mean, I was a little spoiled - I watched the trailers and that four minute block of footage they released, and saw a lot of set photos (LIKE A MECHANICAL BULL), but none of that really mattered while I was watching. Even feeling like I had a handle on the vague outlines of the story didn't in any way spoil me for how they filled those outlines in. So yes, two thumbs WAY UP on this one, guys. I'm sure I will be seeing it many, many times and writing a lot of meta that nobody else is interested in.

Sadly, I didn't finish any of the three works in progress I desperately wanted to finish before the movie came out and completely jossed them, but since all three are actually AU to begin with (even more than all fic being somewhat AU etc. let's not have that discussion, I've only had 5 hours of sleep), I guess I'm not too concerned? I still want to finish all three.

What I did manage to get done all in a rush this week, knowing I had a hard deadline of 4 pm yesterday, was this:

Let's do some living after we die (@ AO3)
Captain America; Steve/Bucky; pg; no Cap 2 spoilers; 6,315 words
In which Steve decides to jump before he falls.

For all your Steve/Bucky roadtrip/nightswimming needs.

I like how it turned out, though it is about three times longer than I expected it to be. The story had a couple of light bulb moments: originally, when I was struggling with it months ago, and it was two separate stories (a. roadtrip, b. nightswimming),
angelgazing suggested combining the two. And then earlier this week, I realized how to fit the bits and pieces I'd written together, and that there shouldn't be section breaks, it should just flow seemingly aimlessly, like the roadtrip, until it arrived where it was supposed to be. I think it works? It makes me happy, anyway.

I guess I will get ready for work now, and then write the spoilery post once I'm there. Wow, I haven't had two two-post days back to back in like years. So weird!


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this is captain america calling, fannishness

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