i'm the voice that you hear when no one is near

Feb 18, 2014 12:45

Teen Wolf
Dr. Deaton, it's always lovely to see you being hot and cryptic. Sigh. Seth Gilliam. So pretty.

♥SCOTT♥ SCOTT IS THE BEST NO LIE. Even if he was totally taken in by Stiles. I can't believe they didn't lock Stiles up somewhere and just accepted that he said he was himself and not the nogitsune at the moment. Like, that is why I love Scott? Because he DOES want to believe the best of his friends. Even if it ends with him getting skewered. Oh, Scott. But that is why he needs a Stiles or a Lydia or an Allison, to remind him that while it's good to believe in people, people are often unbelievably shitty (or possessed by evil things).

The Derek Hale and Chris Argent show is hilarious. Would watch again. I would also watch Allison tase Peter over and over again, especially when she's protecting Lydia. That whole scene was ridiculous but I love Lydia and Allison together.

I am perfectly okay with Isaac being the one who dies. And he can take the twins with him. Otoh, I'm so glad Finstock survived! And aw, his grumpy sweetness re: finding Stiles and writing a card to Isaac. Oh, Coach, you big softie.

Also, I'm so glad that all the parents (except Agent McCall) are in on the supernatural business now. It makes things much better.


In other news, yesterday, my (23yo) niece made a Princess Captain Ameri-bear at Build-a-Bear. I'm not sure she knows it's a thing on tumblr (possibly I showed her Tiny Princess Captain America and Tiny Princess Thor once), but her Captain Ameri-bear had a tutu and a tiara. You know Steve would approve.

Also, here's another Steve/Bucky vid idea free to good home: Bad by U2. You could edit it down. It's a long song (well, the live version is). Mostly I think I need to write Steve/Bucky fic titled "Wide Awake in America." Idek. All my vid ideas are for Lord King Bad Vids. It's a good thing I can't vid. Because then I'd say there needs to be one to "Love Is a Battlefield" too (maybe that one should include Natasha).

Also, also, I just read a really cute story where Bianca Reyes rescues Jaime when he gets captured by aliens again, and it just makes me yearn for someone to write the story where she bawls out Batman for getting her son into so much trouble. Batman + moms = FAVORITE THING, whether it's Martha Kent or Queen Hippolyta or Bianca Reyes. And I long for a Crystal Brown v. Batman scene, though even with Steph back in canon in the nu52, it will never happen.

(otoh, now I'm disappointed that Batman will never show up on Arrow to go head to head with Moira Queen. I would pay cash money to see that. Though she's not exactly a regular mom.)


My period is like four days late and my writing brain is completely silent. Coincidence? Idek.


I'm going through hockey withdrawal. I'm so sad I have to work and won't be able to watch in the mornings anymore. I enjoyed the USA ladies dismantling the Swedes yesterday. The USA-Canada (women's) showdown is gonna be amazing.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/640445.html.
people have commented there.

batman, this is captain america calling, tv: teen wolf, you should totally write that

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