there's something wild about you, child, that's so contagious

Jan 09, 2014 13:50

Random links:

Grantland on Bruce Springsteen.

They also did a thing on yesterday's baseball Hall of Fame vote, which I was not interested in enough to link to (wah wah there's a problem with HoF voting, umpteenth verse, same as the first), except for how it linked to one of the greatest commercials of all time: Chicks Dig the Long Ball because of Glavine and Maddux.



Black Widow #1 - I don't have much to say except I liked it. ♥NATASHA♥ I also really like the art. I'm trying not to have hope that eventually they may address the latest fuckery with her memory, but you never know. (Also, I haven't read Marvel Now Point One yet, but I looked at some of the art and... please tell me that's not what Bucky's going to look like in All-New Invaders. I'm not loving that art at all.)

I also finally read the first three issues of Ultimate Spider-Man Cataclysm (or whatever they're calling it), and oh, Miles. Let me give you ALL THE HUGS. The bit with his dad made me all sniffly. Oh, Jefferson, please don't be a dick to your precious spiderbaby son! J. JONAH JAMESON! ♥! Also, Jessica Drew! Bombshell! Cloak and Dagger! I want to draw sparkly hearts around all of them and import them into 616 so they don't die! Ganke and Katie too!

Also, I hate that they've made Ultimate Cap such a cutie when he is the ULTIMATE WORST. Ugh, go away Ultimate Cap. You are a jerk and nobody likes you. You certainly should stay away from Jessica and Miles and the other kids. Let's have Aunt May slap you a few more times. Jerk.



I was really disappointed last night when Arrow turned out to be a repeat. Come back to me, show! I miss you!

I did end up watching Psych because Cary Elwes and Gus in a Gryffindor outfit. It was mildly amusing. Cary Elwes looks much healthier than he did in his prior appearances on the show, and Dule Hill's FAAAAACE is always a joy.



Speaking of joy - here at Terrible Segues R Us - today is More Joy Day. I forgot to think of something to do, so if anyone wants to leave a character/pairing and a trope or prompt, I'll see if I can come up with some not-fic or comment fic. Hit me up and let's spread some joy.

Lastly, I was just bemoaning the fact that in the two and a half years I've been writing about Steve and Bucky, I've yet to find the right opportunity to make a terrible Buck Rogers reference/joke. YOU KNOW THEY WERE FANS. I just removed another one from one of my wsip. So sad. ONE DAY, THOUGH. ONE DAY.


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comics: ultimate spider-man, tv: psych, more joy day, precious spiderbabies, bruce, comics: black widow, chicks dig the long ball, fannishness, writing is hard!

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