the storm is rising in me

Dec 23, 2013 14:10

Given the amount of stuff I have to do, and the couple of yuletide treats I'd like to write, and the fact that nobody's going to read anything but Yuletide starting on Wednesday, I don't think "The First Annual Avengers Ugly Christmas Sweater Party" is going to get written until after Christmas. That's okay, right? I have until Epiphany to post Christmassy things, right? If only I could settle on a POV instead of starting and scrapping things.

I was almost tempted to apply for another pinch hit, but I just don't think I could do Billy Prior justice. I kind of want to? But not in the short turn-around time available. Oh, Billy Prior, a character for whom the term hot mess could have been coined.


soundingsea asked about Crossovers you will probably never write more than a sentence or two about? (Would girl!Sam and Kalinda get along? How about Bucky and Clark Hayden?)

Girl!Sam would learn a lot from Kalinda. She wouldn't approve of a lot of it at first, but she'd understand it and later on, she'd put it to good use.

Bucky would probably avoid Clark Hayden - he'd probably think Clark was a pencil pusher, but eventually be impressed with Clark's soft-spoken acumen, but he would LOVE Kalinda, mostly because he would understand her pretty easily. She's opaque to the rest of the world, but I think Bucky would see a kindred spirit in some ways, shaped by the need and willingness to do whatever it takes to survive.

I love crossovers, and I think about them ALL THE TIME, and I will probably not write 99% of them - I still want the one where the Young Avengers and the (preboot) Teen Titans have to work together and Tim is just unimpressed with how poorly the Young Avengers are trained and he's facepalming all over the place about it, while Kate is just like, "Shrimpy Tim Drake from band camp is RED ROBIN? WHAT? My sister dated Dick Grayson!" etc. Tim and Billy also probably know each other from online things. (Billy gives Tim advice about how to date his half-alien best friend while Tim maintains that he and Kon are just good friends. Meanwhile, Bart and Tommy wreak havoc all over.)

I still want the Danny and Rusty in the Firefly-verse story - can you imagine them having to pull a job with the crew of Serenity? And also the one where Danny and Rusty meet the Leverage crew, and possibly Neal Caffrey as well.

I want the story where instead of Florrick/Agos, we get Florrick, Pearson, Specter and Agos. (I have to say, I would not have expected two shows I watch to go for the divisive internal politics at the law firm plotline, but TGW totally kicked Suits' ass at it).

I want the story where Joan Watson and Burton Guster team up to solve a murder while Shawn and Sherlock are too busy trying to one-up each other with their cleverness.

I want the story where Clark Kent interviews Captain America upon his return from the ice, and then Zinda Blake takes him out dancing, and the one where Peter Parker and Dick Grayson eat pizza together on rooftops, and the one where Dick and Bucky meet for drinks while Dick is Batman and Bucky is Cap, and they talk about having to step into their mentors' shoes. I want the one where Steve Rogers washes up on Themyscira instead of Steve Trevor, and Captain America and Wonder Woman punch out bad guys and have makeouts for JUSTICE. (I might write that one eventually.)

I want Oliver Queen from Arrow to know Natasha Romanoff from his time with the Russian mafia. I want Hawkeye to be unimpressed with this Arrow dude in Starling City, but possibly to know John Diggle from Afghanistan. I want the adventures of Darcy and Steph! I want ALL the DC/Marvel crossovers. (I still want to write the Ultimate Peter Parker in the DCU story; I am writing the Winter Soldier was acquired by the League of Assassins story, but I wouldn't mind seeing a Cass and Bucky meet up and recognize each other story by someone else.)

(I also want the crossover where Steve Rogers meets Dick Winters.)

I still want all the Pepper and Alfred run the world stories, and I still might write the sequel where Cordelia and Alfred run Bruce's life, and possibly Cordy and Dick have an epic flirtation.

I know there have been a couple already, but I want ALL the stories where Bucky was at the Academy where River was held (possibly he trained her as well as Natasha [she always did love to dance], except without the sexytimes), and Steve has to rescue him from the hands of blue guys, along with the crew of Serenity. MAL AND STEVE. ZOE AND STEVE. STEVE AND KAYLEE. STEVE AND RIVER. I feel like there is NO BAD here.

And I want the Adventures of Faith and Jason in Gotham, which I don't understand why there aren't TEN MILLION stories about them being hot and fucked up and fucking up bad guys and not being afraid of killing because some fuckers just straight up need killing, etc. with all their middle child issues and their desperate need to be loved.

Man, I could do this all day. *g*


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hot xover pairings, life, crossovers that should exist, memes: 31 days of december, you should totally write that

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