that's great, it starts with an earthquake

Dec 21, 2013 17:49

I got my period yesterday, so I slept like a rock last night, and my dad didn't wake me when I'd asked him to, so I slept until 11 am! Ten hours of sleep!

Then I had to make my ice cream making shopping list and my fig cookie shopping list (almost derailed when I couldn't find dried figs at Stop and Shop! We had to make a second stop at King Kullen!) and my stuff we actually need in the house shopping list, and then we went grocery shopping, which took forever, not just because I had a list that was about three times as long as usual, but also because my dad took the most roundabout route ever to Stop and Shop, so what is usually a 15 minute drive took 45 minutes, but it was a beautiful day so we just did a brief driving tour of Port Jefferson Station and South Setauket. Sigh.

Now I am desperately waiting for pizza to arrive since I have had two and a half cups of coffee today but no food. Pizza came while I was writing this entry. om nom nom.

Then, after dinner, ice cream making begins! (I still have to figure out what order I'm making stuff in, though I guess it's a good bet it will be non-nut-containing stuff first.)

Also, I somehow picked up a Yuletide pinch hit? I didn't expect, an hour after the requests went out, for one to still be available, but there it was. Um. So much for that other story I wanted to write by Monday. We'll see, I guess. I have an idea, and hopefully it will write itself.


grammarwoman asked me to discuss the ridiculousness of Chris Evans, which I am more than happy to do! With illustrative links, even!

The funny thing about my fannishness of CEvans is that while I certainly enjoyed ogling him in Fantastic Four, and enjoyed him a lot in The Losers (which I actually wanted to see because of JDM and Idris Elba), when I heard he was cast as Cap, I was skeptical. I was like, "Johnny Storm? That guy?" As were many, many people, I'm sure. (Somehow that he was also Jensen in The Losers had not connected in my head.)

But damn if he didn't knock it out of the park in Captain America. And also have amazing chemistry with both Sebastian Stan and Hayley Atwell. So being a fangirl, I not only started reading Cap comics, I tracked down a bunch of his movies and watched them. My reactions can be found under the tag chris evans' undeniable attractions. Basically he's hot and he can act! Who knew?

But not only is he hot and can he act, he's naked a lot in movies. But he can also rock a suit.

And he is also willing to appear as a complete dork: doing the Carlton dance (with bonus PUPPIES) and also in interviews.

He's also willing to talk about his anxiety in interviews, which made him even more endearing. (I don't know if that's where he tells the story about meeting Ben Affleck, but if it isn't, it's probably in my tumblr somewhere).

I was going to add more links - about his shoulders, his arms, his ass, his heroic jaw, but instead, I suggest you just start on the latest page of my Chris Evans tag and work your way back. (see also: your face sir; steve rogers; nick gant.)

I just really like him and hope he continues to do well in his career and also that he marries ScarJo and they have beautiful babies together. ...Wait that is not reality, that is in my head. *cough*


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life, memes: 31 days of december, chris evans' undeniable attractions

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