i believed him and i walked away

Nov 18, 2013 12:31

So the ZzzQuil thing worked pretty well last night - at least, I slept for most of the night, except between 4am - 5am, but you can't have everything, right? I definitely felt it working, though, and there was no hangover when I got up at 6:30, so that's a plus. I mean, my brain still tried to make things difficult, by obsessing over some work thing that I might have done wrong on Friday (which, I didn't, but for some reason at 11 pm last night, I was convinced I had), but eventually the pills kicked in ("eventually" = ~25 minutes).

Dad and I watched Almost Human, which gets a lot of goodwill from me because Karl Urban! Lili Taylor! Michael Ealy! Minka Kelly! Not to mention residual goodwill for Wyman, even if I didn't love the way Fringe ended. And also how great the effects look. Though I don't think anything will look that advanced in a mere 35 years. I mean, that skyline was some serious future shit there. Otoh, the tablets and ad screens all over were pretty realistic. (I am giving a pass on the robots, since that is the whole premise of the show, but that is some seriously advanced shit going on for only 35 years. I mean, I realize that 35 years ago, it was 1978 and nobody even had a wireless landline, let alone a home computer or a cell phone or an iPad, so I could be wrong, but there are some inherent contradictions in the future being so gleaming and prosperous looking when the crime rate is so ridiculously high. I'm no social scientist, but wouldn't those kinds of leaps in technology require either a big war or a lot of prosperity or one followed by the other, e.g., the post-WWII boom? Unless the big boom was, per usual, followed by a big bust, and that's why the crime rate shot up 400%. I am totally overthinking this, aren't I? It's a pilot, they'll fix the worldbuilding as they go. Or not.)

Anyway, it was a pilot, so everyone was especially one-note, but by the end Kennex seemed to warm to Dorian (how could he not?) and so hopefully Urban will dial-down the gruff manpain and get his snark on. I also want to see more Lily Taylor and more Minka Kelly, though I am already kind of annoyed at how clearly they're telegraphing her as a romantic interest.

I wish the cast were more diverse - I don't know how much they are really going to focus on race, though it's certainly a theme running through the episode. On that level, though, making Dorian the exceptional android, not like those others, is a problem. I mean, obviously, I get why he is the way he is, and I hope for lots of grumpy robot buddy cop adventures, but you know what I'm saying.

I thought the bad guys were pretty clever with the targeting cops' immune systems, and also an EMP or whatever it was to take out the robots ("Sometimes newer technology isn't always better." A wild mission statement appears! I mean, one of the things I really enjoyed about Fringe was Walter's use of old technology (the videotapes, for example) with sci-fi kinds of things, and I hope that continues on this show. I did kind of expect to see Olivia in the police station, though. Sigh.) I didn't love that the ex-girlfriend was involved, but maybe that will turn out to be false.

Also, I guess the bad guys were after the lady robot in the box? Were we supposed to recognize her?

Anyway, I liked it and will watch tonight's episode and add it to the rotation for now.


So someone is making a Steve/Natasha vid to Stray Italian Greyhound, right? From Natasha's POV?

And there is already (or there should be, anyway) a Steve vid to Springsteen's "Promised Land," right? If not, one of you should totally get on that right now.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/616519.html.
people have commented there.

tv: almost human, otp: it'll be fun, this is captain america calling, you should totally write that, my life so hard

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