if it's better than my love

Nov 06, 2013 15:37

Ugh, I am exhausted. I was sensible and was in bed by 11:15, knowing I had to be up by 6:30, but ugh ugh ugh, I still had one of those can't fall asleep/can't stay asleep nights, and now I am completely zonked. I might go visit my sister in the hospital after work though. Yesterday, I set up FaceTime so my dad could talk to her via his iMac and her iPad, but she was still mostly out of it. Word is she's a little better today - able to sit up and keep some food down; she was originally scheduled to come home tomorrow, and I don't know if that's still going to happen, but I hope so. The doctors said everything is It's going to be a long, slow recovery, and that's even before you factor in the MS.


What I'm reading Wednesday even if it feels like Monday:

What I've just finished

Gunsmoke (Timely Tales #4) by Kitty Burroughs which was a quick, somewhat unsatisfying read.

What I'm reading now

Three quarters of the way through The Gone-Away World, which recently took a turn I probably should have expected but didn't, and which I found...not pleasing, though it's not irredeemable, I guess. We'll see how it turns out. (No, I don't even mean the mimes. Yes. This apocalypse brings mimes.) I do love his writing, though I think it sometimes gets away from him. I mostly enjoy it too much to complain about it, though.

What I'm reading next

I feel like I should know but I just don't. We'll see what pops up.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/613425.html.
people have commented there.

memes: what i'm reading wednesday, life, books

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