Though life would still go on, believe me

Aug 31, 2013 16:56

How is it possibly the end of August? WHO ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN?

I got my period this morning and my internet went out, so I spent another cranky half hour on the phone with TWC to fix it (sadly, they couldn't fix my stupid period), so I ended up staying home instead of going to the island. Meh, the thought of facing that train ride today was unappealing.

In better news, the August recs update:

unfitforsociety has been updated for August 2013 with 20 recs in 8 fandoms:

* 6 Pacific Rim
* 5 Avengers
* 3 DCU
* 2 Elementary
* 1 Amazing Spiderman
* 1 M*A*S*H, 1 Rivers of London, and 1 HP/Avengers crossover

read, love, comment!


And I guess that means it's time for the monthly writing round up too:

August 2013

Doll Day Afternoon (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012)/Despicable Me (2010); Steve/Bucky, ensemble; pg; 2,805 words
The Avengers get turned into dolls, excuse me, action figures. Hijinks ensue.

These Facts We've Mistaken for Our Lives (@ AO3)
Winter Soldier; Natasha (past Bucky/Natasha); pg; 2,590 words
They say you can't miss something you've never had, but Natasha knows they're wrong.

give me the fevers that just won't break (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky/Natasha; adult; contains: sex pollen; 1,780 words
Steve, Bucky, and Natasha get hit with an aerosolized aphrodisiac. Sex ensues.

I basically lost a whole week of writing time doing those meme answers so I'm glad at least one of them generated a story. There could be others, too. But I'd like to finish some of my wsip as well. And last night, waiting for the Benadryl to kick in so I could sleep, I did figure out how to write that other story, so now I just have to, you know, write it.

I am so behind on answering comments, but believe me, I appreciate them and hope to get to them soon. <3


Top 5 Songs

5. Handwritten - Gaslight Anthem
4. California - Phantom Planet
3. Wonder of Birds - Innocence Mission
2. Bring It On - Gaslight Anthem
1. Electric Feel - MGMT


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monthly writing roundup, top 5 songs, recs updates

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