the sun poured in like butterscotch

Aug 30, 2013 22:11

Ugh, last night I did not sleep until, well, sometime after 6 this morning. And then I was up again around 10:15. Which let's be real, is nowhere near enough sleep. Thankfully I am still on vacation, but PMS insomnia sucks and I hate it.

On the plus side, I did write until 3 am, and therefore posted a story:

give me the fevers that just won't break (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky/Natasha; adult; contains: sex pollen; 1,780 words
Steve, Bucky, and Natasha get hit with an aerosolized aphrodisiac. Sex ensues.

As you can see, at 3 am, my summarizing skills are very basic. *snerk* But that is basically what it is - established relationship sex pollen threesome fic. I liked playing with the idea that for once Steve was also affected, but that it wore off him more quickly due to his super metabolism, and then it was just Bucky and Natasha using him to get off and him being perfectly happy with that. *happy sigh*

Also, I feel like "Bring It On" is a perfect Steve Rogers song, so I was glad to get to use a line from it here as a title. (I still am trying to figure out how to tell the story that goes with "stop clicking your red heels and wishing for home.")

Then, because the best time to do these things is on 4 hours of poor sleep, I called Time Warner Cable to cancel my cable, before football season starts and I won't do it. Of course, after being on hold for half an hour, they give me a runaround about how it's complicated and apparently canceling requires the sacrifice of a baby under a new moon on a Tuesday, but they can give me a cheaper rate and throw in hbo, so I got a deal that's $40 cheaper than what I was paying, though I still think it's too expensive. But this way I won't have to use alternate means to watch football.

I am weak. I know.

Then I spent a good part of my afternoon reading a spectacular story you should all go read right now:

Maggie Fitzgerald and the Saltwater Drip by antistar_e
It's an absolutely fantastic 80k word AU of The Amazing Spider-Man where Gwen is the one who gets bit by a spider and becomes Spider-Man. I cried my way through this much as I cried my way through the movie (which, as you know, Bob, I did several times), because it absolutely gets the most important things about Spider-Man as a hero, and it actually considers women and people of color and other populations who aren't straight, white men. Which makes it sound preachy or agenda-driven, but it's not. It's just brilliant about understanding the differences that would occur because Gwen is the one under the mask, and also lets her have a heroic origin without fridging anyone. And the relationships are brilliantly drawn, too - not just Gwen and Peter, but Flash and MJ and Miles all make appearances. I draw a million sparkly hearts around this story. Highly, highly recommended. *happy sigh*

I'm working on the monthly recs posts, but seriously, read this one now if you like Spider-Man.


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