why don't we ever believe ourselves?

Jun 03, 2013 12:51

Maybe I've asked this before and don't remember but:

if Talia al Ghul dips the Winter Soldier into a Lazarus Pit, would that give him his memory back? What about his arm?

Maybe it takes more than one dunking or an extended immersion, so he's just confused and having phantom limb pain after a quick dip that gets cut short?

Maybe the question is, what do you think is most compelling while also not making you go, "But the Lazarus Pit would heal that right up!"

It might take me forever, but I am determined to write this damn story. if only to get to the Natasha Romanoff/Talia al Ghul showdown at the heart of it. (and maybe the Steve & Bruce talk about formerly dead sidekicks and how to welcome them back from the dead scene, where Steve basically says, protip, asshole: it's with hugs.)

Maybe I will ask on tumblr, too.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/573650.html.
people have commented there.

hot xover pairings, bucky barnes has a robot arm, formerly dead sidekicks for the win, my flist knows everything, writing is hard!

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