but every hero walks alone, thinking of more things to confess

May 14, 2013 10:47



Lundqvist shut the Caps out for 120 minutes! The Rangers are going on to round two!

I had just said to my dad (we text during games) that it would be nice if the Rangers could break this one open so I didn't have to be so tense through the whole thing, and that was when Del Zotto scored. And the Rangers have a history of relaxing when they're up by three, so I was really glad to get goals four and five, even though I did feel a pang of sympathy for Holtby. But only a pang.

I'm just really impressed - not just with Lundqvist, who is always impressive (hence, the king, and also my goalie boyfriend) - but with the Rangers' grit and resilience and how much they improved defensively in these last two games. There were points early on in the series where it looked like the Caps were always on a power play - they set up easily in the Rangers zone and basically did what they wanted offensively, and it was only Lundqvist's goaltending that kept it from being a rout, but these last two games it's like the Rangers finally remembered how to clear their own zone, how to clog up the neutral zone, and how to grind it out in the corners of the offensive zone. And they did it on the road in game 7, something they'd never done before.

I mean, I don't know how they'll do against Boston (my natural inclination as a long-time Rangers fan is to be pessimistic about it), but I was thrilled last night to see how well they played.

Not thrilled enough to leave the room to bake these cinnamon doughnuts, though I was seriously tempted, because they look really easy and delicious, and I do like baking as stress relief, but maybe I will make them tonight, since I don't have to go to our event.

So, yeah, our event is tonight (by "our" I mean NNP, the place where I work) but I have so far avoided having to go. But it's making Boss1 kind of crazy, so she just interfered in something I was working on, because she's all, "WHY DIDN'T THEY GET BACK TO YOU? I'M GOING TO CONTACT THE PRESIDENT OF THE ORG AND HAVE THEM RETURN YOUR CALLS!" but meanwhile, it turns out that the person was just out of the office and now I feel like they're going to think that I was the one who complained, when it was totally Boss1's event-related stress crazy. (I think the one thing my boss dislikes about my performance is that I don't like to push people - I email and I give them a day or two to respond before I nudge them if I don't hear back; she's always like, "well, call them again!" but I hate it when people do that to me, so I try not to do it to other people, so we always have this push-pull of 'you need to be more aggressive' v. me needing to not make people annoyed to deal with me, because I'm going to have to work with them again in the future.)

In more fannish news, in addition to the SHIELD trailer (J. August Richards as Luke Cage? PLEASE? especially if this means Misty and Colleen and Jessica and Danny are future possibilities, too), I watched the trailer for Almost Human, the show where Karl Urban plays a future cop and Michael Ealy plays his android partner. I am already shipping them, or possibly OT3ing them with Lili Taylor, because, you know, LILI TAYLOR, but since it's airing on FOX I don't anticipate we'll get to see more than 5 episodes, and then they'll burn the rest off on some Saturday at 3 am. Otoh, they did give Fringe 5 seasons, and it is technically a JAbrams joint (though I don't know who is actually the day-to-day showrunner), so maybe it will at least get a season? It looks really expensive to produce, though, so who knows?

Lastly, I finished a story! Not one of my languishing wsip, but something new:

Honey and Salt (@ AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky/Natasha; pg; 3,380 words
Bucky's not that kind of agent.

As I said in the notes, a long time ago, I said to
angelgazing, "there should be a story where Bucky is the honeypot and Natasha is the muscle." And she of course said, "you should totally write that." But I didn't, until I did. It was supposed to be just a funny romp, where Steve and Natasha mock Bucky's attempts at being seductive, but of course Bucky got his angst all over it, so it went somewhere a bit different. I like how it turned out, though, and Steve and Natasha's conversation about the croutons makes me laugh.

It's funny, because I came up with the title independently of remembering Sandburg's poem (I knew I wanted "honey" in the title somewhere, and I was like, "Honey and vinegar? Sugar and salt? what?"), but it seemed sort of fitting, especially in the beginning (especially when I was envisioning Natasha giving Bucky more advice than she actually does in the story).

Anyway, I'm glad I was able to write something and that it flowed pretty easily. We'll see how writing goes from here.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/568392.html.
people have commented there.

sports, tv: almost human, tv: shield, recipes, work, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend, i am okay with that!, writing is hard!

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