a perfect circle of acquaintances and friends

Mar 02, 2013 14:22

I did not at all like this week's Community. I think the only thing I laughed at was the Troy-Annie exchange at the beginning. It just wasn't very good on any level.


L. and I had a dinner party last night - I cooked and she hosted.

I took the day off yesterday and spent it baking cupcakes (I made these chocolate cupcakes, which are my go-to cupcakes because they're quick and easy and tasty, and I adapted the lemon curd frosting I made for the work holiday potluck to vanilla by using vanilla pudding instead of lemon curd [I also cut the powdered sugar back to 1/2 cup and added some vanilla to the whipped cream as I whipped it] and it was FANTASTIC. Like, forget the cupcakes - you could eat the frosting as a mousse.) and making grapefruit champagne sorbet.

(I got a bit of a late start because I was up until after 2 on Thursday night, and managed to get 1400 words into a new story. Go me!)

Then I went over to L's and cooked dinner. The great thing about spaghetti al limone is that it only takes the amount of time for your pasta to cook to be ready, and it's easily expandable - add more lemon juice! Add more cream! Add some pasta water! - and as I learned last night, it's still good at room temperature. We used orecchiette instead of spaghetti, though, which I would also recommend.

All the food went over well, especially the sorbet and the frosting. Because I am Good at Desserts.

There was a lot of wine, and when I got home at about 11:45 pm, I just fell into bed. All in all, a fun night.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/548927.html.
people have commented there.

life, tv: community, adventures in cooking

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