i have given you the fire of my youth

Feb 25, 2013 12:04

I forgot
lyras also gave me interview questions, but here they are:

1. What's your favourite thing about living where you do?

The fact that there is so much on offer to see and do, even if I don't do or see 95% of it. I mean, I live within walking distance of the Met and the Guggenheim, and I've never even been to the latter (plans keep falling through)! I'm a quick bus ride away from the Museum of Natural History and MOMA. There's Broadway, and the ballet and the philharmonic and the 92nd Street Y and the NYPL, all of which have interesting events and lectures etc. Not to mention MSG and dozens of smaller venues and clubs to see concerts. There's baseball in three different boroughs (well, technically four, but I'm not going to Staten Island). There's restaurants and bars and food trucks and interesting shops and Central Park and movies and and and... And you mostly don't need a car to do any of it.

2. Anywhere else you fancy living?

I loved San Francisco the one time I visited, but it's too far from the rest of my family. I also wouldn't mind spending most of the winter somewhere warm and tropical-ish, because I really hate being cold and slogging through slush and ice etc.

3. What childhood books do you look back fondly on? And how does that differ from the YA books you read these days?

Huh. I wish I'd had Harry Potter as a kid. I would have eaten that up with a spoon (not that I didn't as an adult, but there's something really visceral about first loving a book or a world as a kid).

My favorite book when I was 9-10 that wasn't Lord of the Rings was The Teddy Bear Habit, which I made a point to track down as an adult, and I still loved it enough to track down a second copy for my niece when she was of an age to appreciate it (though I don't think she ever did - it's a weird book).

I think the YA I read as a kid was basically the forerunner of what we have now? The Outsiders and all of SE Hinton's work comes to mind, though a lot of those books were all about boys (unless they were by Judy Blume, or were girl detective novels, like Nancy Drew or Trixie Belden, or about things that were girl-centric, like ballet), and now there are a lot more girls running around having coming of age adventures, which I think is good.

4. You write and rec SO MUCH, as well as living a very full life from what I can see, both online and off. How do you manage it all?

Uh. It used to be easier because I had a much less busy job and I used to stay up a lot later. I mean, I still have lulls (like the one I'm using to write this now), but it's not as easy to write at work as it used to be, and I used to be willing to sacrifice sleep for it, which is not as frequently the case now (though I still will stay up later than planned if I get on a roll, or get out of bed if I think of something important I know I'm going to forget otherwise).

Though it's easier these days on the reading front - though sadly less fulfilling! - since there is a lot less fic being posted that I want to read. Write more stuff I want to read, guys! These days I can go days without finding a new story in one of my pairings, let alone something complete and readable and of interest to me.

5. Which book(s) do you really want to get around to reading?

Heh. I have a ton of books both paper and e- that are waiting for me to get to them, though I will be honest when I say that the likelihood is that I will read the ebooks first because they are much easier to carry around in bunches. I am eagerly anticipating the release of Quintana of Charyn next month, though, and I have NK Jemison's Dreamblood duology waiting, plus more Benjamin January and Felix Castor, as well as a bunch of other stuff on my kindle/iPad/nook app (I don't actually have a nook, 'cause that would be overkill; I only have a kindle in addition to the iPad because it was a gift).


Speaking of writing, I started working on something over the weekend and then in the rush to get to bed last night, I forgot to post it to my writing journal so I can't work on it during this lull at work. Sigh. I guess I can work on the Steve/Darcy fake dating instead. That's been lingering for a while now. Or one of the crossovers I've been poking at. Hmm....


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/547769.html.
people have commented there.

memes, books, writing: wsip, all about me, nyc

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