I meant to go out and do some grocery shopping but I somehow stumbled and fell into tumblr, which I hadn't really kept up with this week, and now it's almost 4 pm. How did that happen?
I can see why people were saying this was the weakest of the episodes so far - I'd agree with that assessment - but I'm still not feeling the doom and gloom about the show's direction. I laughed. I loved Britta swinging around the apartment complex in her underwear, and I loved her as a supportive girlfriend when her boyfriend was having boyfriend problems, and I really loved Abed's realization that Troy would come for him (and Troy did). I thought the hotel staff championing Annie was pretty cute, though I do agree that the contrivance to get everyone to the con was clumsy and poorly done. Especially since Annie is already an Inspector Spacetime fan and has her own cosplay outfit. Pairing her with Jeff instead of Troy and Abed here really didn't work for me (but then, I really don't like it when the show hits Jeff/Annie too hard). There was no real need to insert Pierce and Shirley, but I did love that Shirley understood why Troy and Abed would hate everything Pierce was suggesting and Luke Perry's cameo was pretty funny.
The case was funny but kind of scattered, but this episode was great for their FAAAAACES. And for Sherlock actually meaning it when he said he was going to teach her. And yet I didn't feel she was in any way subservient or subject to him. And he did clean the fridge. And cutting for potential future episode spoilers:
allegedly, both Alfredo and Clyde will return. \o/
That was kind of anti-climactic after last week's really good episode, and a total waste of James Callis and Rekha Sharma, but it had some good moments - I loved that even though the camera lingered all male-gazey over Felicity's legs in her fancy dress, Oliver and Digg didn't. Like, they already know she's awesome and hot, so there was no need for some kind of ridiculous 90s teen rom com moment.
As for Colton Haynes as Roy... I realize the red hoodie is supposed to evoke Red Arrow (since Speedy is already taken as a nickname), but even if it was a sob story to get Thea to drop the charges, the whole thing felt like Jason's backstory to me - he robs the Batmobile Thea's purse, has a junkie mom at home he's allegedly stealing to support, and, of course, the red hoodie. And he's eventually going to be mentored by the hero he stole from. I know I am just Jason-centric in my thinking, but still.
In other news, after making Flashback Island interesting last week, I was back to not caring again this week. I get that this was to show Ollie developing his massive trust issues, and I like that they left it ambiguous (though I imagine it will turn out he was right and the guy was a plant), but not enough Slade for me.
And since we're speaking of Angry Roy is Angry, Young Justice:
This ep was mostly set up - getting the team free (oh, Lex, I know he's your hybrid clone son, but you could have at least attempted to look like you cared about the kids other than Superboy), having G. Gordon what's his face turn on the Reach, having the Light get hold of the War World control thingy, and having Dick and M'gann get over themselves, while explaining where Original Roy is (though still no word on Clone Roy) and why he got cut from the team etc. I just... I kind of just want to end with the original team, and maybe Bart and Jaime. Someone mentioned in my comments last week that maybe Jaime's scarab is a triple agent, i.e., actually playing the Reach, and I would really like that to turn out to be true. I guess we'll see.
Having read the AV Club recap, I wasn't expecting much, but it wasn't quite as terrible as I'd feared,
though I spent most of the episode yelling at Harvey to stop being an idiot. Oy. Harvey went completely off the rails here, and I don't even really understand why. I disliked that Donna's advice to Scottie was to sacrifice her whole career to prove to Harvey that she loved him, but I liked Donna's bracing scold of Harvey for driving away everyone who cares (and Harvey's "Is this about you?" because YES.) and I understand his reasons for not wanting to be with a woman who cheated but that is not enough to explain his wacko behavior these past two episodes. (I don't really care about Harvey/Scottie, so.)
I was glad Rachel slapped Mike when he finally came clean (ugh, Mike, please go fall down an elevator shaft) but sad that she didn't do it again when he grabbed her for sexytimes. The best parts of the episode were Louis and Donna, and that one scene between Harvey and Jessica - "They think I can't control you. I'm going to show you that I can." Dear god in heaven, please tell me there is ALL the fic where Jessica doms Harvey, because YES. Anyway, as a season finale this left a lot to be desired, but hopefully we'll end up just pretending most of it never happened.
Lastly, I disapprove of Once Upon a Time recasting Jefferson and spinning him off+. For many reasons, not least of which is that the writing on OUaT is already frequently questionable; I don't know that these showrunners could handle another show (and I think it would take really good writers to make a Wonderland show work in any case), but also SEBSTAN.
+I can provide a link, but LJ won't let me include it in the post.
And comics:
Captain Marvel #10
I don't know if I'm just used to it or if it was actually better, but I didn't mind the art as much in this issue and there were panels that were actually really lovely.
OH CAROL. I mean, I'm sure she'll be okay eventually, but oh Carol. I loved all the stuff with Kit. I also love that Steve shows up with a flying motorbike for her to use while she can't fly, and that he likes Wendy. (I would be happy to ditch the Frank Gianelli dude altogether and for Jessica and Steve to be Carol's significant others. Come on.) I feel like I should have more to say than OH CAROL but that's kind of where I am right now.
Captain America #4
I still don't care about the dimension Z or Zola stuff, but STEVE AND IAN OH MY GOD. Steve as a dad pushes all of my buttons and it did well on that front and now I'm just scared the kid is going to turn on him or get killed by his sister. I also maybe teared up a little on the flashbacks to little Steve stealing from the pharmacist and then going back and confessing and working off his debt. IT WAS DUSTY OKAY. I HAVE ALLERGIES. Apparently I am just easy for Steve Rogers. *hands*
And now that that's done, I need to put on boots and go grocery shopping so I can test bake some cupcakes.
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