nothing like another soul that's been cut up the same

Dec 13, 2012 10:55

Today's Dinosaur Comic made me laugh and laugh. Last week's about the Santa case files were also pretty awesome.


I stayed up way too late last night watching that 12-12-12 concert, and as much as I loved it (and cried) when Bruce and Bon Jovi sang together (though I was a little distracted by how tight Bruce's pants were. um.), there was no reason for some of that stuff to go on as long as it did - why so much Roger Waters and so little Eddie Vedder? Roger Daltrey, please put your chest away - you look like you are going to throw out your back! And I worried about Mick Jagger passing out on stage. I also felt bad that the crowd was clearly not into Kanye (where was Jay-Z? Where was LL Cool J?). And I don't know who approved some of those comedy bits, but they should be taken out back and shot. Ugh. Horrifying and awful. But Bruce and Bon Jovi doing Who Says You Can't Go Home made me want to dance around my living room, and both "Land of Hope and Dreams" and "My City of Ruins" made me cry like a baby. (I was sad Gaslight Anthem isn't big enough to be invited, as they're local.)


Got beta comments back on yuletide so now it's yuletide round 2: the revisioning! I still feel like if the archive had gone live today, I would be okay, but obviously I want to make it a better story and there's time and I feel like just getting a draft done was the huge task and now it's just cleaning up and tinkering.



Avengers Assemble 10: THE DANGERS IS STRONG IN THIS ONE. Man, I would just read a whole book every month of Carol and Steve being superheroes and bantering together (and having makeouts, but that goes without saying, right?). but this also had some great SCIENCE BROS stuff in it, too.

Winter Soldier 13: Oh, Bucky. You need to stop letting your manpain distract you. Also, your planning skills are still terrible; you still jump in emotions first and I think it's great characterization - it's a callback to pre-brainwashed Bucky and it's also a way you can differentiate yourself from the Winter Soldier, but oy, it makes me want to shake you. You're lucky Steve likes you. And is better at planning than you are. I'm also really sad that Brubaker's final thing before he goes is going to be breaking you and Natasha up since you are totally my Marvel comics canon het OTP (well, and Peter/MJ *sigh*).


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