i know them all pretty well

Nov 01, 2012 17:15

I got my period last night and ended up not sleeping until after 4, so I'm glad that I didn't have to work today. And according to the org website, I don't think I have to work tomorrow, but as you recall, yesterday they pulled that certainty out from under me, so I guess I'm just going to say that it's tentative right now. (I expect the trouble is that they can't find a location to put all of us because the office still has no power, and also, I imagine that without power, the servers aren't running so there's no real way to do work anyway.) Since they say power should be back on in lower Manhattan by Sunday (possibly by Saturday), I'm sure we'll be back at it on Monday, but I'm not going to quibble. The idea of having to commute while everything's all snarled up is unappealing at best.

Since I was up so late anyway, I ended up writing about 1200 words of Steve/Peter, and while most of them will have to be cut or rewritten, I did sketch out the rest of the story so at least now I know what needs to happen. I have mentioned this before, but my story outlines are usually like:

1. Characters who should make out.
2. ???

So if you are like me when it comes to difficulties with plotting yet the desire to write casefic,
sage is doing a workshop on it, and her first post is here.

So in order to refamiliarize myself with Peter's voice, I just rewatched The Amazing Spider-man, or, to be honest, just sobbed my way through it again, stopping on occasion to clean my glasses. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY PETER PARKER FEELS OKAY? IF YOU DON'T LIKE HIM, I WILL THROW DOWN. I should probably get myself an Andrew Garfield-Peter icon.

I also came up with another story that I thought was viable, though now I think it might have to get folded into the story where Steve saves Bucky from being the Winter Soldier with LOVE.

Also, I might try to write a Natasha-centric idea I had last night, though it's kind of a stretch for me, and also, it might possibly mean I need to actually read DareDevil. Um. I did acquire a whole run of it (the one that was recommended to me by spectralbovine - I believe it's Bendis and Maleev?) but I discovered when I did the data recovery thing on the old external hard drive, it saved all the comics as individual JPGs with numerical file names. So the data is there, but it is not actually usable. Sigh. (Luckily, I had a while ago backed up my comics folder onto my laptop, when I was traveling with it, so I still have a bunch of stuff, including all of Blue Beetle, Gotham Central, No Man's Land, USM, and Captain America vol 5. But that is all the stuff I've already read. And none of Journey Into Mystery, which is a shame because that was so good.)

Speaking of comics!

Captain Marvel #6
JESSICA! Wow, Tracy and she fought like they're Carol's current and ex-girlfriends, huh? They certainly are prickly. I think this review on tumblr does the best job at summing up the first arc of this book. The pacing and plotting are a little weak, but by god, it is a story about women by women, and it feels true to that in the sense that all the women feel like people, even the ones who only show up for a few lines, and it feels concerned with the things that women face in the world. So consider this a rec, even though I am still getting used to the new art style.

Ultimate Spider-man 16.1
Here is the ultimateverse in a nutshell: J. Jonah Jameson has a great arc over the course of USM, and he shines in this issue. Captain America is a grade-A (which doesn't, I remind you, stand for France) douchebro (he is not in this particular issue, but he was in #16). I think they're trying to walk back some of Millar's worst stuff, especially in regard to Ultimate!Cap, or maybe just give him some actual personal growth after everything that happened, but that ship has long since sailed and sunk. Anyway, this issue was full of plot holes but J. Jonah made it worth it.

Winter Soldier #12
HOLY CATS SHIT JUST GOT REAL. Also, Logan narrates most of it and he says nearly complimentary things about Bucky (I love that they all still refer to him as "the kid" even though he's got to be at least in his mid-20s now; also DareDevil calls him "Natasha's man." Which I guess is supposed to even the way everyone else keeps referring to Natasha as Bucky's girl, which, you know I ship them hardcore, but NO. I've been a little unhappy with the way these awful things are being done to Natasha and we're focused so tightly on Bucky's pain over them, but now that Bucky's been re-brainwashed maybe that will ease up a little.

I liked the way Logan's thing about how Bucky's not holding back now that he's Winter Soldier again echoed Bucky's thoughts about how brutal and relentless Natasha can be when she's not herself/not holding back - I like the idea that restraint is necessary and practiced by these two, because they know and understand the darkness that lives inside of them. And holy crap what a cliffhanger.

This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/514796.html.
people have commented there.

comics: captain marvel, technology is not my friend, life, comics: ultimate spider-man, does whatever a spider can, comics: winter soldier, movies, comics

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