"no, you're breaking the law"

Oct 31, 2012 20:49

» Thanks for all your comments during the storm and its aftermath. ♥♥♥

» I got word a little while ago that since there's still no power or phone service downtown, my office is closed again tomorrow. Originally, I was told tomorrow and Friday, but I just got another call saying, no, tomorrow is definitely closed, but Friday's up in the air. I did call Boss2 and leave a message on his cell, but I haven't heard back from him, so I don't know.

» I probably should have said something earlier, but I guess I was kind of in denial, but unfitforsociety.net is gone, after 11.5 years (we opened it up in March 2001). That's why I started uploading some ancient (2003!) HP fic up on AO3 this afternoon. It's all backdated, so I don't know if anyone who subscribes gets hit with those notifications, but if so, I apologize. There's still more to come. All the XMM stuff is up on either XMMFA or WRFA, so I'm not going to worry about uploading it to AO3 right now, or probably ever. Everything else is still up on LJ, as far as I know. I did back up the first few years of Remix, and at some point, I will have those databases transferred to AO3. I just haven't gotten around to talking to them about it yet.

» Speaking of AO3, I maybe kinda sorta did a last minute yuletide signup revision. I made one slight tweak to my request, based on today's "Captain Marvel" (about which more in a later post) and I also shifted my offers slightly, though the irritation of having to redo the whole list of bucket offers every time it changes kept me from doing anything more there.

» I'm waiting for some food to be delivered and the delivery guy called twice and said he was standing outside waiting, so I buzzed him in, but he's not here. I don't know where he is? But it is not at my address. Asshole. Spoiler: while I was writing this post, he finally showed up, but my food was cold. Sigh.

» Recs update:

unfitforsociety has been updated for October 2012 with 40 recs in 8 fandoms (including crossovers):

* 31 Avengers movieverse
* 2 Crossovers
* 3 Suits, 1 each Elementary, Sports Night, DCU and Harry Potter

» Also on the recs tip, Pinboard Savior, i.e., like Tumblr savior but for Pinboard (thanks to
brownbetty for the link)! There are things I never have to see again! As long as people use tags! I mean, it's not going to help with the people who tag things "gen" and then the stories turn out to be NC-17 pairing fic, but for 90% of the stuff I don't want to see, it's great. I have to check to see if it works on pages other than the network page, like the tag subscriptions, which would be nice. I could maybe resubscribe to a couple things I had to unsubscribe from.

» Top 5 songs, October 2012:

5. Terrible Love - The National
But I won't follow you
Into the rabbit hole
I said I would
But then I saw
The ship of woes
They didn't want me to

4. Augustine - Vienna Teng
In sand and thorns
I'm walking forth
Bare and blinking as the day that I was born
Bells in spires of China white
Ring for an Augustine tonight

3. Mae - Gaslight Anthem
Stay the same, don’t ever change
Cause I'd miss your ways
With your Bette Davis eyes
And your mama's party dress
While this city pumps its aching heart
For one more drop of blood,
We work our fingers down to dust
And we wait for kingdom come
With the radio on

2. Summer of John Wayne - Tom McRae
And these weather conversations
And small talk
Steal my hours away
And I gave away my best to strangers
Day after day
And the winding down of days
And the speeding of time won't change

1. Blue Dahlia - Gaslight Anthem
I had a dream about you once,
and I could barely see your form
And I met you between the wax and the needle,
In the words of my favorite song

» Monthly Writing Roundup - October 2012

courage teaches me to be shy (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Darcy/Steve, Jane; pg; 4,525 words
In addition to a ginormous king-sized bed, Darcy's hotel room also apparently comes equipped with its own Captain America.

In Between the Moon and You (on AO3)
Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius; pg; 1,425 words
Five times Remus and Sirius were happy.

14 Tracks (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Peggy, Steve/music, ensemble; g; 3,760 words
14 tracks from Steve's iPod and how they got on there.

in each place and forever (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky (Bucky/Natasha); pg; 6,125 words
Bucky's always been good at fighting.

Not the greatest month, writing-wise, but I'm so happy to have finished in each place and forever - I think it's one of the things I'm most pleased with this year - and also to have written some Remus/Sirius again. Rereading some of my old stories made me all nostalgic for them again.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/514550.html.
people have commented there.

monthly writing roundup, on archiving, life, top 5 songs, recs updates

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