i never wanted to be your weekend lover

Oct 25, 2012 10:54

So the Islanders are moving to Brooklyn. Well, if the NHL ever comes back. Sigh. I'm having brainfreeze from the number of potential jokes I could make here.

Here's a really interesting look at how the Nets are marketing Brooklyn and rebranding themselves. (I don't even like the Nets and I want that "No sleep till Brooklyn" t-shirt. Full disclosure: I am from Queens. But there is no cool gear with "Queens" on it. IJS.)


Good lord, the cuteness that is A-babies vs. X-babies is almost too much to handle. I don't think it quite reaches Tiny Titans levels of awesome, possibly because it's mostly one long fight scene? But it's still ADORABLE. I especially love that they worked in a "BUCKY!! NOOOOOO!!!" moment. Though I feel like anyone who puts that look on Steve's face deserves a serious punch, Scott.

Then there was Journey Into Mystery. I'm still not sure I understand what exactly happened at the end there, but this page where Thor proves YET AGAIN that nobody loves Loki like he loves Loki made my heart all achy. Oh, Thor. Oh, Loki. I really hope they're able to keep him sympathetic in the upcoming new Young Avengers.

(Other comics news, also from Grantland: apparently Clark Kent quit the Daily Planet? I feel like nothing Scott Lobdell says or writes shows any insight into any character at all, but I feel like they're just taking away everything loveable and interesting about Superman. #DC LOOK AT YOUR LIFE LOOK AT YOUR CHOICES

And tangential to that, is Lobdell gone from RHatO? Because that would improve it immediately, and I might read it then. (I can totally ignore his run if I have to, even though Rocafort's art is so pretty.) Also, apparently Jason's back in the family now? According to the latest Batman Inc.? But they still haven't actually shown the come to Jesus moment where either Bruce accepts that Jason kills people or Jason decides to stop killing people? This is a conversation I would actually PAY DC MONEY TO SEE even now, and yet apparently nobody there knows how to write it, so it occurs off-panel. I just want to see some reconciliation going on. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?)


I did not watch any TV last night because I'm still completely enthralled in reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I finished the fourth book yesterday, and while there are some things about King's writing that grate - his gleeful crudity and love of body horror (which I do not share), his overlong place descriptions and repetition of information we already know (okay, I get that there were extremely long gaps between each book, but that is what the summary page at the front of the book is for; you don't need to halt the story and devote a couple pages every book to it) - once I adjusted my expectations some, I have been really enjoying it. I didn't realize - though given his columns in EW, I probably should have - how many pop culture references he litters his writing with.

And it's compelling reading. I mean, you wouldn't think a 500 page flashback to detail some backstory would be compelling, and it does go on longer than it should by maybe 100 pages (and then is capped off with a really weird and yet completely foreshadowed Wizard of Oz homage), but I ate it up with a spoon. I mean, ROLAND. COME ON. He is right up in my character-type kitchen. I could do without the mystical demon pregnancy that can only end in tears and gross-outs, and the insertion of characters from his other books which I have not read, but I mostly just want to curl up and READ, to the exclusion of all else, so he did something right.


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sports, comics: journey into mystery, books, comics: a-babies vs. x-babies, batman, hoods and birds, books: the dark tower, comics

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