and when it was over, i woke up alone

Oct 23, 2012 11:05

Iron Man 3 trailer. I reiterate my fears for Pepper and this doesn't really do much to ameliorate them. THE ONE THING HE CAN'T LOSE. PEPPER. I OTP THEM SO HARD YOU GUYS. #otp: I don't have anyone but you

When I watched it this morning, the video window wouldn't expand to full-screen, so I didn't see the stuffed rabbit (thanks to
bethbethbeth and
lunaris1013 for pointing it out), but that is totally Hollywood shorthand for baby, and while I'm not yet invested in a tiny Stark-Potts baby (though I could be!), it does make me think miscarriage is more likely than Pepper's death. Which is a tired trope I wish would be put out to pasture (it's so rarely handled well; usually it's just more fodder for manpain), but I will take it if it means Pepper survives.

In less important but still shocking news, OMG THE MALIBU HOUSE. I know that that house is mostly CGI (from the exterior anyway), but holy cats, it's a beautiful house and seeing it fall into the ocean *hurts*. (I mean, I was rooting for Stark tower to be demolished, because Steve's right - that is one ugly building; the Malibu house, otoh, is FABulous.)

I don't know who thought the Iron Patriot armor was a good idea, but they should be spanked and not in the fun way. Ugh. Even without the comics association to Norman Osborn, it's just garish. Rhodey deserves better. The silver from IM2 was sleek and sophisticated and suited Rhodey, I thought. Sigh.

But seriously, why couldn't this just be two hours of Tony and Pepper doing the Nick and Nora Charles through the Marvelverse? Dead body, martinis, witty banter, catching a murderer, threesome with Rhodey, more martinis, maybe a foxtrot, the robots subbing in for Asta...It totally works. I AM JUST SAYING. (Huh. I might need to write that now.)

I mean, I KNOW Cap 2 is going to rip my heart out. I don't see why this movie needs to, too.

In other Avengers news, following up on yesterday's link to previews from A-babies vs. X-babies, apparently it comes out tomorrow? It better be available digitally, though that might be one I end up getting a paper copy of as well, as with Tiny Titans. (Speaking of which, does anyone know anything about the Superfamily book that was supposed to replace Tiny Titans? Is it any good? Because Clark and Lois parenting tiny Kara and Kon is relevant to my interests.)


In other news, I just redid some of my yuletide offers after realizing that two of the ones I offered "any" on contained a character I HAD NEVER HEARD OF in the list, and thus, I would not really be able to write "any" as I first thought*. Sigh.

* yes, yes, source review, but this is me we're talking about. There are like five fandoms I feel comfortable offering "any" in and I know them pretty well, so if I look at the list of characters and am like, WAIT. WHO THE FUCK IS THAT? that does not bode well for a fun yuletide experience.


Here's a list of tropes frequently found in literary fiction. It's funny 'cause it's true.


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