I'm not the one wasting my time

Oct 18, 2012 12:10

Happy birthday to two lovely ladies I'm so glad I've gotten know over the years: innie_darling and tenaciousmetoo! ♥♥♥♥♥


I don't really talk politics on this journal, but I do talk Bruce Springsteen, so, via
laurificus, A message from Bruce.


And that's why they call him the Boss.



Dear Ollie:

Please stop having inappropriate chemistry with your little sister.



PS: Please don't EVER stop having inappropriate chemistry with your little sister. Every time you have a scene together, I think it's going to end in wall-slamming sex. Though I am also willing to ship you with your hot and competent body guard. You still have no sexual chemistry with Dinah Laurel, but that's okay because she's too good for you anyway. Hopefully she and Helena will meet and have awesome hot chemistry, since I'm never gonna get Dinah/Babs on this show.


Captain Marvel #5

I don't love the new art, but Helen Cobb, never stop being awesome! ♥ And, as always, ♥CAROL♥

(Even though it turned out to not be what I thought with the time travel, I might still write the Steve/Carol meet during her time travel adventures story, and then in the present Carol is like, "But you never said anything!" and then there is sex, because I might be shipping them a little. THEY HAVE SPECIAL CAPTAIN TIME TOGETHER OKAY.)


The Mighty Thor

Loki! Thor! Leah! I kind of love that Thor is like, "We'll trick them!" Oh, Thor, nobody loves Loki like you love Loki (and I don't even ship it like that, but it's true - nobody loves Loki more than Thor), even if you have repeatedly threatened to be done with him. Also, Bill, son of Bill, kicking ass with the warriors of the dead!


Ultimate Spider-man


I feel kind of sad that when Miles hops onto a speeding rocket, there is absolutely no resonance for this Captain America. Bah. And also feh. Don't join the Ultimates, Miles! It will only end badly for you.

I did enjoy him proving Ultimate!Cap wrong about his abilities (though not about his naivete or the fact that 13yo boys should not be fighting on the front lines anywhere).



Best issue yet. Clint's narration is hilarious and Kate is the BEST. ♥KATE♥ Clint makes some seriously poor decisions sometimes (understatement!), but hooking up with‡ bringing Kate on board as a partner is not one of them.

‡Oddly enough, I don't actually ship it. yet. It could still happen, though.


I meant to watch Nashville, but I got caught up in reading and completely spaced on it. I also stayed up too late to finish the book and turned my alarm off instead of hitting snooze this morning, and when I rolled over again, it was 8:15. Whoops.

(The book in question is the second Dark Tower book by Stephen King, which I thought was a huge step up from the first, in terms of enjoyability, even if it still had me side-eying at some stuff; I haven't read them before - they've been on my to-read list for a long time [since before the series was finished] - so no spoilers, please. I'm not really ready to do a more in-depth post about it yet but it was definitely compelling reading.)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/510744.html.
people have commented there.

comics: captain marvel, comics: hawkeye, comics: ultimate spider-man, books, flove, yes we can, bruce, tv: arrow, comics: the mighty thor

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