and take your foot off of the brake

Oct 01, 2012 10:58

Ugh, let us not speak of the Giants game.


September 2012 writing roundup:

Button Up Your Overcoat (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Darcy; adult; 2,170 words
Darcy instructs Steve in the finer points of safer sex. The conversation doesn't go exactly the way she expected.

Only Fools Rush In (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky; g; 1,570 words
In which Captain America ends up married to Bucky Barnes, with Thor, prince of Asgard and god of thunder, as their witness.

A star danced
Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky; g; 520 words
Steve finds a baby and decides to keep her.

Avengers (2012); Steve/Bucky/Natasha; adult; 1,115 words
"As if that was enough vodka to compromise us."

Those last two are outgrowths of that trope meme, and the Steve/Darcy only-one-bed story is nearly 4k words, so that was a good meme.


My music collection is still unorganized after the external hard drive corruption/recovery, so I didn't upload any songs, but here is the list anyway.

Top 5 songs - September 2012

5. Terrible Love - The National
And I can't fall asleep
Without a little help
It takes awhile
To settle down
My ship of hopes
Wait til the past leaks out

4. Handwritten - The Gaslight Anthem
Here, in the dark, I cherish the moonlight
I'm in love with the way you're in love with the night
And it travels from heart, to limb, to pen

3. Little Deuce Coupe - the Beach Boys
Just a little deuce coupe with a flat head mill
But she'll walk a Thunderbird like she's standin' still
She's ported and relieved and she's stroked and bored.
She'll do a hundred and forty with the top end floored
She's my little deuce coupe
You don't know what I got

2. Blue Dahlia - The Gaslight Anthem
Where'd you get them scars?
How blue is your heart?
Is it sad enough to break?
She said, "it's sad enough to break"
How long was your life?
Was it cold and strange like mine?
Are you man enough to lay here?
She said, "I'm man enough, my baby,
come see about me"

1. Summer of John Wayne - Tom McRae
Your love is a cold, cold place my dear
the seasons change, those ghosts appear
and every sound is an echo of yesterday.
And suddenly I fall through the cracks in time
and I'm standing here with your hand in mine
and I turn around to see you there's no one there.
But I know you say nothing good lasts forever.
You will forget but I will always remember, the time.


I spent my morning commute trying to figure out how to write Buffy/Steve, but it keeps bogging down in the details of how to make the crossover work - the Initiative as a rogue SHIELD operation, Buffy saving Pepper's life to come to the attention of the Avengers - instead of ignoring that in favor of Buffy climbing Steve like a tree. Right now I feel like that panel of Deadpool: "You have failed me, brain!"


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monthly writing roundup, hot xover pairings, top 5 songs, writing is hard!

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