you don't have to say the right things all the time

Sep 30, 2012 19:38

After cleaning up my living room (four bags of trash, three of books/cds/dvds) yesterday, I relaxed by catching up on the Leverage episodes I've missed. A brief recap:

1. the one with the restaurant = YAY
2. the one with the cheerleaders = meh
3. the one with the classic car = meh
4. the one with DB Cooper = ridiculous, but cool!
5. the one where Parker has a broken leg = my DVR didn't record it, so I don't know.
6. the one with Adam Baldwin = A++ OMG OT3 5EVA!

Should I bother to watch the Nate/Sophie-centric one? Is it enjoyable? That much Nate is generally unappealing to me.

I am excited about Once Upon a Time and The Good Wife coming back, but the Giants are on, so I guess I won't be able to watch until tomorrow. Well, I might watch The Good Wife, because I don't know how late football ran so even though I set up to record whatever follows TGW, I don't want to miss any of it. I suppose it also matters how well the Giants are doing.

Today, I had brunch with L. and M. and then we spent some time in Sephora, because L. had a gift certificate, and of course I ended up buying lipstick, because when don't I? I got a new tube of Clinique's black honey, which I've had before, brandy twist lip gloss, which I haven't, and Dior's Sunset Blvd, which is gorgeous. Lipstick is my kryptonite.

Then we went to see Looper, which I thought was interesting but not at all what I expected from what I knew going in. Um, if you have child harm triggers, don't see this movie. I don't, but I'm not sure, if I had known going in, that I'd have seen it. I was hoping for good trailers but it looked like a bunch of shitty horror movies and then Argo, which I do want to see.

And then I got my period. Sigh.

Oh! Also, I did a recs update on Friday that I forgot to post about:

unfitforsociety has been updated for September 2012 with 24 recs in 12 fandoms:

* 13 Avengers movieverse
* 4 Amazing Spider-man
* 3 Crossovers
* 1 each in James Bond, Community, The Dark Knight Rises, and Narnia

The crossposting to LJ didn't work, so eventually I will manually crosspost, but for now, it's DW-only.


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your desire for explosions and larceny, tv: leverage, movies, shopping, recs updates, makeup

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