she's got herself a little piece of heaven

Sep 25, 2012 10:51

So I have been thinking of buying a new tv for the past couple of years. Some of you who've been around a while might remember the saga of my last television, where I watched things without sound for months before finally buying a new tv, only to discover it was the cable box causing the problems all along .

Well, that old tv was a warhorse, and probably would have lasted another ten years, but the new one I bought six years ago, while still highly rated at the time, is an old CRT tv and the color flickers to green a lot, which is not optimal, and also it's huge and heavy and I would like a tv I can move by myself that also maintains color and is in HD. (As a side note, that came from PC Richards, I think, and they took the old tv away when they brought in the new one.)

The main problem, aside from tidying my apartment enough that I wouldn't be embarrassed to have delivery guys in, is how to get rid of the old tv, since it is ridiculously heavy and I can't move it myself, let alone carry it out to the curb. I called Best Buy and they say their delivery guys will take it away, but they also won't pinpoint a delivery date via the website (at least, not before the order is placed, and I don't want to place the order if all I've got is an estimated "between 9/28 and 10/5" as a delivery date), so do I have to go to the store and set it up like that, i.e., so I can take the day off and be home when it is delivered? Does anybody know? (If I had a better relationship with the super, I might ask him for help, but I do not, so I would prefer not to go that route.)

Am I making this too complicated? I do that sometimes. Is there someplace someone knows in the city that I can call and have them just take the tv away? Because I could live with that, too, and then I could just stop off at Best Buy and bring the TV home myself. (I am not all that worried about hooking it up. Should I be? I can get Best Buy to do that as well for another $70, which I have no problem with, but my main concern is moving the old tv, since that I definitely can't do myself.)

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

(Why no, this was not all triggered by the fact that I'm concerned that my Avengers DVD/Blu-ray won't actually be delivered today or that it will look terrible on my tv if it is. *cough*)


So that was a wild ending to that game last night. Roger Goodell needs to bring the real refs back and do it now, before more games end like that one did (by which I mean, before any games involving the Giants end like that *cough*). I don't even know.


In other news, yuletide nominations are open. Here is what I nommed:


✔Super Best Friends Forever (DC Nation Videos)
✔Batgirl (Super Best Friends Forever)
✔Wonder Girl (Super Best Friends Forever)
✔Supergirl (Super Best Friends Forever)

✔Blue Beetle (Comic)
✔Jaime Reyes
✔Paco Tejas
✔Brenda Del Vecchio
✔Milagro Reyes

Still Pending:

Captain Marvel (Comics)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel (Comics))
Helen Cobb
Tracy Burke
Bijoux Kawasaki

(I picked Bee out of the Banshees because she has both a first and last name; I hope someone else will nominate Daisy and Jerri.)

[eta] Approved! [/eta]

I'm not really concerned it won't get in? Because there are only six stories total for Captain Marvel on AO3 and four of those are actually the DCU Captain Marvel, i.e., Billy Batson, and hopefully the folks running the nominations know that there are two completely separate Captain Marvels like this (as opposed to how Carol took the name from Mar-Vell etc.). Since someone already nominated Carol for A:EMH, I had to append "Comics" to her, but she should get in. I JUST WANT TO REQUEST A CAROL/FLYING=OTP STORY FOR YULETIDE, OKAY?

Going by the spreadsheet (linked here), it looks like my other requests - Code Name Verity, Montmaray, Push - are all okayed already, and also a bunch of other things I could write in, so that's good. I'm always more worried that I won't find anything I want to write, because what I request doesn't generally overlap much with what I offer anymore.


In other, other news, I woke up this morning with a real desire to rewatch the Jane Foster (Jane/Thor) vid to "Ray of Light" by Madonna, until I realized I think I only ever watched it in a dream I had last night. Um. Unless it actually exists? If so, links, please. It really should. I mean, come on. Talk about a perfect marriage of song and source. I am just saying.

I've had a bunch of vaguely fannish dreams lately - there was one with Christian Kane and JDM as cowboys and one where Keanu Reeves played a hitman sent to kill Sandra Bullock but fell in love with her instead, so I would not be surprised at all if I dreamt up a Jane-centric vid to "Ray of Light."


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technology is not my friend, avengers assemble, punch a hole in the sky, my flist knows everything, you should totally write that, yuletide, dreams

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