i'm gonna teach you all about love

Sep 17, 2012 16:42

The trope meme is a lot of fun! You can still play if you like, though I think I'm tapped out on accidental-baby fic. I still have one more accidental baby to go! Who knew that would be the most popular trope? And also I have to come up with a Steve/Bucky band au! <3

[eta] and let's give bodyswap a rest now, too. [/eta]

Meantime, I produced a couple actual stories:

A star danced, which is Steve/Bucky accidental-baby fic for

and Inauguration, which is Steve/Bucky/Natasha drinking fic in chapter one (for sevendeadlyfun), and porny Steve/Bucky/Natasha truth or dare fic in chapter two for
toujours_nigel. (What, it was a two part West Wing episode - of course I took the opportunity to strike two titles off my list.)

And some fun sketches:

- Josh/Donna secretly a virgin, also for sevendeadlyfun

- Clint/Darcy bodyswap for elizardbits and

- Bucky/Natasha & baby for boofadil

- Walsh/Schraeger with a baby for innie_darling

- in which the Middleman CROSSDRESSES FOR JUSTICE for

- Jason & Bucky share a bed for

and Nick/Cassie bodyswap for svilleficrecs, that I might have to turn into an actual story.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/501590.html.
people have commented there.

fic on demand, steve/bucky, fic: avengers movieverse, steve/bucky/natasha, west wing title project

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