with all your faults, i love you still

Sep 04, 2012 10:43

I watched the Elementary pilot the other night. I liked it! ♥JOAN♥ It might help that I don't really care about Sherlock Holmes as a canon? And that I don't really like BBC Sherlock (the character) at all? (I don't really like the show all that much either - I still haven't bothered to watch the second series.) And also, that this Watson is a Mets fan. It's proof that she knows the true meaning of existential suffering.

Anyway, I like that he's still arrogant and demanding but that he also seems to actually care about the dead people as more than just interesting puzzles. And that he knew he had to apologize to Joan. And that he admitted that it wasn't actually a plan when she shut him down after his angry victim-blaming spiel, that he just lost his grip. I like that they seem like two broken people but that she's the stronger, more together one ("You know a lost cause when you see one." OH SNAP SOMEONE GOT TOLD.), and that she is not just going to stand back and admire his bullshit genius thing, but call him on being a dick. Because I am tired of the killjoy genius-wrangling lady and the brilliant asshole manchild trope.

I may or may not ship it? But I absolutely want to see the D/s overtones of the relationship explored, because he is totally looking for someone to discipline him, and she seems more than capable of it, just from what we saw here.

I do understand why she's not a practicing surgeon anymore - why WOULD she become a sober companion if she had a brilliant, fulfilling job of her own? - though I would have liked them to have kept the Army surgeon part. *hands*

Either way, she totally kept up with him, and basically solved the case for him, and I look forward to seeing their relationship grow.

I also liked how the show handled mental illness, and that the people who took advantage of the mentally ill were the villains, and that that was clearly something that made Holmes angry, AS IT SHOULD.

I didn't really care too much about the mystery, but that's not really why I watched+. A show like this needs to be character-driven, not plot-driven, because otherwise it's just another CBS procedural, and I have no interest in those.

My one main nitpick is that there is no cemetery on the corner of 86th and 3rd. Not in Manhattan anyway. What the hell? Unless I heard that wrong.

+ Let's be real here: I am hoping this is the hit show of the new season, because of how gross so much of fandom was about Lucy Liu's casting++. So even if I hadn't enjoyed it, I'd probably watch it just to spite those areas of fandom.

++ Please don't tell me if you don't like the casting. It won't make me think well of you, regardless of your stated reasons.


I posted a story yesterday!

Button Up Your Overcoat (at AO3)
Avengers (2012); Steve/Darcy; adult; 2,170 words
Darcy instructs Steve in the finer points of safer sex. The conversation doesn't go exactly the way she expected.

it's a ridiculous bit of funny porn enabled by
angelgazing. It amused us, anyway. I'm glad it seems to have amused other people, too. Thank you.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/498405.html.
people have commented there.

tv: elementary

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